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"The Origins and Ancient History of Wine"

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wine jugs from an Egyptian wall painting

Detail of wine jugs from an Egyptian wall painting.

C o n t e n t s :

Intro - living out our past through wine

Neolithic Period - "chateau hajji firuz"

- wine for the afterlife

- under the grape arbors...

One of a kind laboratory
- ancient evidence; modern technology

Map - wine's whereabouts: then and now

The grapevine & tree resins - nature's ingredients


Map of the ancient Near East and Egypt, showing the distribution of the modern wild grapevine in purple shading. Grape remains (primarily pips) recovered from Neolithic and Late Uruk sites are indicated by the grape cluster symbol. The occurence of wine jars, which have been chemically identified as such, are indicated by the jar symbol.
Map of the ancient Near East and Egypt, showing the distribution of the modern wild grapevine in purple shading. Grape remains (primarily pips) recovered from Neolithic and Late Uruk sites are indicated by the grape cluster symbol. The occurrence of wine jars, which have been chemically identified as such, are indicated by the jar symbol.


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