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The Shotridge Digital Collection - Sound Recordings

Louis Shotridge made eight sound recordings among the Northern Tlingit and Tsimshian peoples in 1917 and 1918, while working for the Penn Museum.  He made the recordings using a cylinder phonograph and shipped these to Penn.  The recordings were transferred to the Archives of Traditional Music at Indiana University, Bloomington in 1961 for preservation and transfer to a safer medium. *

1. EC10" 448, item 21  
2. EC10" 448, item 22  
3. EC10" 449, item 01  
4. EC10" 449, item 02  
5. EC10" 449, item 03  
6. EC10" 449, item 04  
7. EC10" 449, item 05  
8. EC10" 456, item 11  

*  83-896-F. Alaska, Tlinget (sic) and Tsimshian Indians. Louis Shotridge, ca. 1910. A copy of selected items from EC10" 448, 449 and 456.