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Follow the Penn Museum Blog and get behind-the-scenes stories about the making of MAYA 2012.

Follow Rosa, Miranda, and Emily, the Penn student team on their journey to Copan and back. We are the student team working with the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archeology and Anthropology’s Maya 2012: Lords of Time exhibition. Throughout the semester we meet with Dr. Loa Traxler, the curator, to assist in the coming-together of the exhibition. Three of us have gone down to Copan where we are assisting with the documentation and packaging of the objects that will be coming from Honduras to Pennsylvania. This blog is a space to record our individual projects and share with the public a glimpse of the behind-the-scenes development of the exhibition.

Follow the Photographic Journey of Anastasia Matijkiw, a senior at the University of Pennsylvania studying Near Easter Languages and Civilizations. Anastasia is working on an independent project working under the MAYA 2012 exhibit’s curator, Dr. Loa Traxler.


University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology | 3260 South St | Philadelphia, PA 19104