This page includes information that may not reflect the current views and values of the Penn Museum.

In the News

MAYA 2012 In the News

4/02/12WHYY Radio
Understanding the Influence of the Ancient Maya

4/11/12New York Times
Cryptic Calendar and the People Who Made It ‘Maya 2012: Lords of Time,’ at the Penn Museum

4/24/12CBS Philly
Penn Museum Gears Up for New Mayan Exhibiit

‘Lords of Time’ reign at Penn museum exhibit on Mayan calendar and culture

5/16/12Chicago Tribune
Maya 2012!

Central America’s Mayan civilization exhibit

5/2/12The Philadelphia Inquirer
Penn’s “Maya 2012: Lords of Time” exhibit debunks 2012 prophecy

5/4/12Washington Post
Maya exhibit at Penn Museum in Philadelphia seeks to dispel apocalypse myth in December 2012

5/10/12 Daily Times
End of the World? Delco’s Quinn helps dispel the Mayan myth (With Video)

5/10/12USA Today
Newly discovered Mayan calendar goes way past 2012

5/14/12The Wall Street Journal
Apocalypse Never

5/14/12The Philadelphia Inquirer
’Maya 2012’ at Penn Museum shows pre-Columbian sophistication

5/15/12Montgomery Media
’Lords of Time’ dispels fear of 2012 endgame: Exhibit at Penn Museum illuminates Maya culture

3/6/12 – The Christian Post
Maya 2012 End of Days Prediction Explored in New Exhibition

3/4/12 – (a Huffington Post Blog)
Upcoming exhibition will debunk Mayan prophecy of the end of the world in 2012

12/1/12 – Popular Archaeology
Ancient Maya Exhibition Explores 2012 End-of-World Prediction

12/2/12 – Past Horizons
Maya 2012: Lords of Time 


University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology | 3260 South St | Philadelphia, PA 19104