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Traditional Navigation in the Western Pacific

Schematic Mapping



"Great Trigger Fish" are large-scale maps. One great trigger fish of special importance is the one that has Magur and Fais (650 miles or 1050 kilometers apart) as head and tail, while Gaferut and Olimarao are dorsal and ventral fins.

The northern flip of this great trigger fish keeps Gaferut as the dorsal fin and has Saipan as ventral fin, Guam as tail, and the imaginary place "Lizard's Pool" as its head.

Another great trigger fish has Pulusuk as head, Palau (1225 miles or 1585 kilometers west) as tail, places called "fishing ground of kumak fish" and "reef of needlefish" as dorsal and ventral fins, and Eauripik as backbone.

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