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Websites for Everyone

Decode Stela 3 on
A series of Maya hieroglyphs may look like just so many pretty pictures or symbols to you. But they actually say something, of course, as Mayanists have known for some time...

Maya Quiz on
Test your knowledge of the ancient Maya in this interactive quiz.

Lords of Creation on
Learn about the Origins of Sacred Maya Kingship.

Spanish to Maya Dictionary on
Translate Spanish to Maya with this online dictionary.

Maya Art and Archaeology on
The Popol Vuh Museum offers the visitor a unique exploration of the history of Guatemala, illustrated with one of the best collections of pre-Columbian and colonial art...

Ancient Observatories: Live from Chichen Itza on
Webcast of the celebration of Spring equinox in Chichén Itzá, in the state of Yucatán, Mexico.