This page includes information that may not reflect the current views and values of the Penn Museum.


For Teachers

Educator's PacketThe Penn Museum has educational resources for k-12 educators to prepare for your visit as well as activities to continue your Silk Road experience into the classroom.

For Kids & Family

At-home ActivitiesSecrets of the Silk Road has interactive activities for children of all ages. Some of these resources are available online. Also, read about the activities you and your family will enjoy in the gallery.

Podcasts & Videos

Watch live streamed lectures, interviews with the curators and exhibits team, and see footage of the Silk Road on our podcast and video page.


Test your knowledge of the Silk Road with the Silk Road Quiz. Share your results on Facebook and Twitter to show off how much you've learned at the exhibition!


Join the conversation! The Penn Museum is being transformed into a veritable Silk Road caravanserai. Staff, students, everyone is getting Silk Road fever. And they are blogging about it online. Feel free to comment on our blogs and connect with us to tell us your Silk Road stories.