This page includes information that may not reflect the current views and values of the Penn Museum.

Penn Museum's research includes a focus on the application of modern scientific techniques that will aid the interpretation of archaeological contexts and the materials recovered from those contexts, during both current excavations and past ones. Such materials' analysis often leads to a better understanding of ancient technologies, and the way in which changes in those technologies were effected by, or had an influence upon, the pace of development of past cultures.

• ARCHAEOMETALLURGY: The study of ancient metal tools, jewelry, and weaponry, as a means of following the path of early industrial revolutions, and to some extent the growth of wealth among emerging civilizations.

• FAUNAL ANALYSIS: The study of ancient animal bones, as a means of assessing diet, herding and culling practices, and the course of domestication.

• ORGANICS ANALYSIS: The study of food and drink residues in ancient vessels, both domestic and trade.

• PALEOETHNOBOTANY: The study of ancient plant remains, as a means of tracking human impact upon the past environment, and the course of crop domestication.

• POTTERY STUDIES: The study of ancient pottery vessels, as an indicator of cultural contacts between peoples.

• *SITEMAP* SURVEYING: The description of a site's structure as it changed with time, and the placement of that site within its broad regional context.

Penn Museum | 3260 South Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 |