Dam, Cornelia, d. 1983
Deshmukh, Prema
Gonzalez, Lupe
Kenyon, Jeff, 1948-
Matthews, Kenneth D., Jr., 1924-2007
Minott, Joseph A., Jr., 1922-2009
Moore, Eleanor M., b. 1899
Ray, Jeffrey R., 1949-

Wakely, Gillian
[inclusive] 1919-2002
Call Number
PU-Mu. 0005
Physical Description
Extent: 23.0 Cubic feet 20 records cartons, 8 index card boxes, 4 archival boxes, 10 oversize folders

The Education Department was responsible for organizing and administering many of the Penn Museum's public outreach and educational programs between 1921 and 2010. The department was also responsible for maintaining the Penn Museum's film collection from the 1920s to 1987 and for administering the sale of books and objects for children between 1930 and 1972. Holdings span from 1919 to 2002 and include a wide variety of materials created by the department's staff including, but not limited to: administrative reports, correspondence, inventories, press clippings, press releases, information packets, teaching aids, and radio scripts.

The Education Department was not formally established with a staff and program of its own until 1921. However, regular public lectures were given as early as 1897, and the first lectures for school groups were given in 1910. These early educational activities were planned and carried out by the curators and the Museum Director. After the opening of the Harrison Auditorium in 1915, the lecture programs grew in frequency and attendance, and film events were added.

In 1918 the Board of Managers appointed two docents, but the department was not formally established until 1921 with the appointment of Helen Fernald as Chief Docent. Miss Fernald remained in this post until 1925. Under her leadership, the Educational Department continued to give lectures for school groups, led gallery tours for museum members, and started a Saturday Story Hour program for the children of museum members. Also, docents were available to supply information and tours to museum visitors and to provide assistance to art schools, industrial schools, businesses, clubs, and organizations. The department continued to offer lectures and gallery tours to visiting groups throughout its history.

Cornelia Dam served as head of the Education Department from 1923 to 1942, first as Head Docent and after 1936 as the department's curator. During her tenure as head of the department, Dam supervised the opening of various educational facilities in the museum's newly-constructed Administrative Wing. By 1946, these facilities had expanded to include a special registration and admissions desk for school groups, classrooms for presentations and crafts workshops, and spaces to exhibit student work.

In addition to the facilities listed above, the Education Department established a sales desk during the 1930s. The sales desk handled the sale of teacher aids, post cards, children's books, and children's activities. The Education Department would administer the sales of children's books and objects until 1972. At that time, responsibility for these sales was transferred to the Women's Committee's Pyramid Shop.

The Education Department, under the leadership of Cornelia Dam, also helped establish the School Museum Program and the Museum Extension Service. In 1931, the Penn Museum and the Commercial Museum received a joint grant from the Carnegie Foundation. The Penn Museum and Commercial Museum used the grant to develop educational units centered on specific themes. Then they helped participating schools and colleges establish small museums related to these units using objects from the collections in the Penn Museum and Commercial Museum. During the mid-1930s, some of the funds from the Carnegie Grant were used to support the creation of the Museum Extension Service. Under this program, the Penn Museum, the Commercial Museum, and the Academy of Natural Sciences hired lecturers to give presentations at Philadelphia-area schools. Both the School Museum Program and the Museum Extension Service ended shortly after the Carnegie Grant expired in the late 1930s.

During the 1930s, the Education Department undertook other programs besides the sales desk, School Museum Program, and Museum Extension Service. In 1930, the department developed services for junior members. Children who became junior members, could attend special events, film programs, and crafts workshops. Junior members also received copies of the and the . Two years later, the Education Department created the How-To-Make-It Club. Members of this club paid a small fee to receive instructions in the mail for various crafts projects. The museum ended the How-To-Make-It Club before 1938, but continued to sell project instructions from this program at the Education Department sales desk.

During Cornelia Dam's tenure as head of the Education Department, the department was responsible for maintaining the Penn Museum's library of motion pictures. The film library consisted of a collection of motion pictures showing anthropological and archaeological subjects. It also contained a collection of educational films. During the 1920s and 1930s, department staff organized special events where these and other films were shown to members of the public. The department continued to be responsible for the film collection until it was transferred to the control of the Penn Museum Archives in 1987.

In the early 1940s, World War II placed unusual demands upon the department; the staff was often called upon to provide support to the museum wherever it was needed. The Education Department answered inquiries from the U.S. government and accommodated servicemen who received military training inside museum classrooms. During this time, Eleanor Moore became head of the department and served the museum in this capacity with the title of Assistant Curator from 1942 to 1952. Under her leadership, the department continued to give illustrated lectures and gallery tours for museum visitors, administered a sales desk, and answered information requests from the public. On Saturdays, the department administered activities for children including games, films, and crafts classes. On Sundays, the department supervised movie and concert programs for adults.

The Education Department expanded the museum's involvement with radio programs during the 1940s. As early as 1924, members of the Education Department had helped produce children's radio programs and between 1930 and 1931 Cornelia Dam hosted radio programs about various archaeological and anthropological subjects. However, during the 1940s the department's involvement became more consistent. From 1942 to 1952, the Education Department collaborated with other museum staff, professional actors, local children, and the Philadelphia Board of Education to produce the "Once Upon a Time" radio program. The program produced fifteen minute performances of myths, stories, and legends and distributed teaching aids related to the performances. At the height of the program's popularity in 1944 and 1945, ratings services estimated that the program had a total listening audience of over 750,000 people.

During the 1940s and early 1950s, the Education Department also became involved with the production of television shows. In 1946, the department's staff took part in a live television show called, . In 1947 and 1948, the museum participated in a series of programs involving anthropological and archaeological subjects. Finally, in 1950 the Education Department became involved with the long-running, , television series.

After the School Museum Program was disbanded in 1942, the Education Department began to lend museum objects to schools and organizations for an annual fee. The Education Department would continue to lend objects to outside institutions through a variety of different programs until 2011.

The staff of the Education Department continued to maintain the Penn Museum's film collection. Throughout the 1940s, Eleanor Moore led the museum's initiative to convert the collection's 35mm films into a 16mm format. She took inventories and made descriptions of the 35mm films in the collection and then selected some for conversion into the 16mm format. After these films were converted, museum staff discarded most of the 35mm films.

During her tenure as head of the Education Department, Eleanor Moore also was actively involved in academic research and professional organizations related to education and museums. During the early 1940s, she wrote and published the book, . Several years later she became actively involved with the UNESCO International Committee of Museums and the American Association of Museums. Throughout the 1940s, Moore also taught museum studies courses, wrote academic articles, and gave lectures about museum education to outside groups.

Ken Matthews served as head of the Education Department between 1953 and 1972. His title in 1953 was, Assistant Curator; the title was changed to Associate Curator in 1962 and later it was changed to Director. Under his leadership, the department continued to give lectures and gallery tours, host film and concert events, maintain the museum's film collection, provide extension services, and teach crafts workshops.

During the 1950s, the Education Department undertook several new programs. The department collaborated with school officials to provide in-service courses for school teachers and hold Latin festivals for Philadelphia-area students. The department also expanded its services for children. In 1958, Kenneth Matthews disbanded the Game Club and revived Junior Membership. The Junior Members of the museum were organized into separate clubs based on their interests in different fields of archaeology (e.g. Egyptian and Roman) and were allowed to attend special events and parties at the museum. Junior Members also published their own newsletter titled, . Later the name of the newsletter was changed to .

The Education Department continued its participation with broadcast programs during the 1950s. In 1954, Kenneth Matthews began to host a long-running weekly radio program that covered archaeological and anthropological subjects. Also, during the 1950s he served as a panelist on the television program. For his work with educational television programs Matthews received the first Armstrong Award for Educational Television.

In 1962, the Women's Committee helped establish the Volunteer Guides Organization. At first, the members of this organization only gave weekend gallery tours for museum visitors. However, over time, these volunteer guides gradually supplemented and replaced paid docents who had been responsible for gallery tours during weekdays. In addition to their work as gallery guides, volunteers held meetings, organized fundraisers, hosted parties, and produced their own newsletter. Following the opening of the museum's Kress Wing in 1971, the Volunteer Guides were attached to the Education Department and the department hired a liaison to the organization.

In 1965, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania began to grant annual funding to the Penn Museum. The Commonwealth appropriated this money so that the museum could extend its educational services to Pennsylvania communities outside of the Philadelphia area. Between 1965 and 1971, the museum used this money to organize and administer travelling exhibitions of museum objects at various Pennsylvania libraries. The museum also used this funding to produce educational films, sets of photographic slides, information packets, and copies of the museum's magazine. In 1971, the museum began to develop small suitcase-sized exhibits for libraries that did not have the space for the larger travelling exhibitions. At this time the museum also established the Commonwealth Lecture Program. Through this program, archaeologists and anthropologists were hired to give lectures at Pennsylvania libraries. Finally, during the early 1970s, the museum began to use the state grant to fund artistic performances and the museum's object loan services.

The longevity of the Pennsylvania grant programs varied from program to program. The museum's large-scale travelling exhibits ended during the early 1970s. During the mid-1970s, the museum stopped producing educational films. A decade later, the museum stopped producing and distributing slide sets and suitcase exhibits. The Education Department continued to administer the Commonwealth Lecture Program with only a few lapses in funding until 2010.

In 1971 the Education Department moved to the newly-constructed Kress Wing. Also at this time, the department received funding from the National Endowment of the Humanities, for the Project Practicum program. Through this program, the museum invited artisans from other cultures to live in Philadelphia for several months. During their stay in the city, the artisans would participate in cultural programs at the museum and share their culture's unique technical and artistic knowledge with Philadelphia-area high school students. The Project Practicum program ended in 1973 when its grant from the National Endowment of the Humanities expired.

From 1972 to 1975, Jeff Kenyon served as the head of the Education Department. During his tenure, the Women's Committee helped established the Museum on the Go program (also called the Mobile Guides program). The program's volunteer members, called mobile guides, travelled to Philadelphia area schools and taught classes about archaeological and anthropological subjects using objects from the museum. During the 1970s, the mobile guides developed educational units for use in the classroom that were centered on general themes like Egypt or Woodland American Indians. In addition to this work, the mobile guides established their own by-laws, held their own meetings, and produced their own newsletters.

In 1975, the Education Department was reorganized into two sections with a Coordinator of National Cultures (which became a separate department a year later) and a Coordinator of Education. Joseph Minott served as the first and only Coordinator of National Cultures. The program he headed was created in 1972 and was called the Performing Arts Program (it was also called the Ethnic Arts Program). This program was a part of a larger initiative led by the museum's director, Froehlich Rainey, to make the Penn Museum become a more "living" museum. Through the Performing Arts Program, the museum hosted and sponsored artistic performances by diverse cultural groups. The museum also funded the restoration of its musical instrument collection with the hope that some of the instruments would be used at the museum's concert events. By 1975, the mission of the Performing Arts Program experienced major changes and its name was formally changed to the National Cultures Program. At this time the museum could no longer afford to pay for the cultural performances. So, through the National Cultures Program, the museum attempted to create relationships with ethnic and cultural organizations in the Philadelphia area and allow these groups to use museum space for their own programs and performances. In 1976, the museum provided space to many different cultural groups for various programs related to Philadelphia's bicentennial celebrations. The museum dissolved the National Cultures Department shortly after Rainey's departure from the museum in 1977.

Gillian Wakely became the Coordinator of Education in 1975 and later, in 1994, became Associate Director of the department. She would serve as the head of the Education Department from 1978 to 2010. During her tenure, the department continued to give gallery tours and lectures, administered state grant programs, conducted in-service workshops for teachers, supervised the Volunteer Guides Organization, administered the Museum on the Go program, conducted crafts workshops and storytelling sessions, hosted artistic performances, and leant museum objects to schools.

Between 1987 and 2010, the International Classroom program was attached to the Education Department. The program was created in 1961 at a junior high school in suburban Philadelphia as the "Ogontz Plan for Mutual International Education." The founders of this program, Evelyn and Norman Palmer, viewed the many international students attending colleges and universities in the Philadelphia area as an untapped reservoir of knowledge about the cultures of their home countries. Concerned that young Americans knew very little about the rest of the world, the Palmers developed a program that promoted international understanding between residents of the Delaware Valley and people from all over the world. They envisioned this program as a two-way street: it would also give international students the opportunity to learn more about the United States of America and its diverse communities. Throughout its history the International Classroom speakers used a variety of programs to promote this mission including: classroom presentations, artistic performances, and museum gallery tours. In addition to these functions, the International Classroom hosted annual welcome receptions for hundreds of international students from Philadelphia area colleges and universities.

In 1987, the Education Department established the Volunteer Information Program. Volunteer members of this program provided a wide variety of services to museum visitors on weekends. These services included: welcoming guests and answering their questions at information desks, giving gallery tours, and taking artifact carts into the galleries to engage museum visitors directly.

Under Gillian Wakely's leadership, the Education Department provided new programs for children. Starting in the late 1990s, the department established a summer camp at the museum. By 2010, the department had also organized sleepovers at the museum and the Summer Wonder series of cultural programs.

Between 1975 and 2010, the Education Department participated in a wide range of special exhibits and events at the Penn Museum. For example, during the late 1980s and early 1990s, the department helped develop manuals, tours, gallery activities, and brochures for the following special exhibits: , , and . Several years later during the mid-1990s, the department organized Philadelphia-area screenings of the American Museum of Natural History's travelling Margaret Mead Film Festival.

In 2010, the Penn Museum dissolved the Education Department and shifted most of its functions and programs to the museum's Office of Community Engagement.

The Education Department Records reflect the organization and activities of the department between 1919 and 2002. These records include correspondence, reports, press releases, press clippings, biographical files, teaching aids, information and instruction packets, photographs, photograph albums, drawings, photographic slides, publications, handwritten notes, brochures, reference resources, grant proposals, posters, inventories, scripts, program schedules, academic articles, lectures, and newsletters.

The Education Department undertook a wide range of functions and led several major museum initiatives. Department staff often filed different kinds of materials (e.g. correspondence, reports, and press clippings) within the same folders according to their relation to distinct functions and initiatives. The overall framework and arrangement of the Education Department collection reflects this organization.

Some gaps in the collection's documentation may reflect the flexible organization of the Penn Museum. During the institution's early years, there was little concern for clear distinctions of personnel functions. Several departments would often handle the same function simultaneously. There were also frequent shifts of responsibilities. In the 1920s and 1930s for example, the public Saturday lectures were the concern of the Museum Director, although other tours and lectures were handled by the Education Department. Also, during the 1970s, the Women's Committee arranged lectures for adults. Thus, material on educational activities for adults may be found in the records of the Director and of the Women's Committee as well as in the Education Department records.

The activities of the Education Department and Membership Department similarly overlap. By 1929 Eleanor Moore was named membership docent, thus placing membership activities under the administration of the Education Department. When Moore became head of the Educational Department in 1942, a separate Membership Department was created. However, there continued to be very close cooperation between the Education Department, the Director's Office, the Membership Department, and later, the Women's Committee; thus materials related to educational activities may be found in the record collections of all of these departments.

Researchers should consult the Directors' files or the Museum Publicity collection for information about educational activities at the Penn Museum before 1919.

The records in the series titled, Administrative, contain records that span from 1921 to 1996. The folders are arranged into the following six subseries: Reports and Appropriations, Personnel, Professional Organizations, Correspondence, Information Requests, and Compliments and Complaints. The records filed in these subseries reflect the general administrative functions of the Education Department and its staff. Administrative records that concern only special Education Department programs and initiatives (e.g. the Pennsylvania State Grant Program) are filed under the particular series for those programs and initiatives.

Some administrative activities are better documented than others. Throughout its history, the Education Department regularly filed statistical reports concerning attendance to department programs. From 1930 to the 1990s, the Education Department also regularly created and maintained general correspondence files. General written reports were filed more sporadically. Written reports from the 1930s and 1940s were produced on a monthly and annual basis and provide detailed descriptions of the department's activities, challenges, and plans. During other periods of the department's history, detailed written reports were filed much less regularly. Similar to the general written reports, personnel information, information requests, and compliments and complaints during some eras were filed more regularly than during other eras.

The records in the series called, Activities, span from 1919 to 1990. These materials consist of a wide range of printed matter that document the activities of the Education Department (e.g. flyers, press clippings, posters, mailing notices, public notices, and program schedules). The bulk of the materials in this collection was created between 1919 and 1980 and is arranged chronologically. Folders containing materials from 1919 to 1971 seem to document most if not all of the Education Department's programs. Folders containing materials from the 1920s may be of particular use to researchers studying the history of the department. There are few other records of the department's activities during this era in this collection.

The records in the series called, Special Exhibitions, span from 1922 to 1997 and document the Education Department's involvement with temporary, travelling, and long-term exhibitions. For example, this series contains a wide range of materials related to the exhibit and the Nevil Gallery. The amount of material available for the exhibitions in this series varies from exhibition to exhibition. The varying extent of materials in this collection may indicate that some records of the department's involvement in exhibitions have been lost. However, it seems more likely that the variances reflect how the extent of the department's involvement in exhibitions differed from project to project. For more information about particular museum exhibits, researchers should consult the archives' Exhibits collection.

The records in the series called, Film Collection, span from 1929 to 1988 and are arranged chronologically. These records primarily concern the Education Department's acquisition and production of educational films and filmstrips and the department's management of the Penn Museum film collection. The folder, Film Descriptions and Teacher's Aids, contains detailed descriptions and teachers' aids for films rented or acquired by the Education Department. One set of folders dating from between 1939 and 1954 contain correspondence and notes concerning the storage of the museum film collection, collaborations between Ted Nemeth and the museum to convert 35mm films into a 16mm format, and the disposal of the museum's 35mm films. Another set of folders dating from 1953 to 1972 contains the inventories, descriptions, and maintenance records for 16mm films in the museum's film collection. Two folders contain documents related to Caspar Hacker's and Watson Kitner's donations of films to the museum and another folder contains documents concerning the Education Department's involvement in the production of original films. Some folders in the collection document the payment of film royalties and the rental of films owned by the museum and other institutions. Finally, although the Education Department was responsible for the museum's film collection until 1987, records documenting the department's involvement with the films from 1972 to 1987 are largely missing from the collection.

The records in the series called, Broadcast Programs, span from 1930 to 1984 and document the Education Department's involvement with the museum's radio and television programs. Researchers who are particularly interested in the history of the Penn Museum's early broadcast programs should consult the folder entitled, Histories of the Penn Museum's Broadcast Programs 1951. This folder contains a short and comprehensive history about these programs.

The Records documenting the museum's radio programs chiefly concern the production of the radio series between 1943 and 1952. Scripts, teaching manuals, and story suggestions for this program are filed under the subseries, Once Upon a Time. While correspondence, ratings, and publicity for the program are filed under the general radio program folders.

Records concerning other museum radio programs are largely missing from the Education Department collection with the exception of scripts and schedules from Cornelia Dam's 1930-1931 radio program and scripts for the museum's 1984 radio advertisements.

Records concerning the Education Department's involvement with the museum's television programs are more limited in scope than the radio program records. One folder contains documents concerning the museum's television programs from 1948 to 1951. Another folder contains scripts and broadcast schedules for the program and the remaining folders contain documents concerning efforts to revive the program during the late 1970s and early 1980s. Documents from the 1950s and 1960s concerning the production of the program are filed under the Museum Archives' collection called, "What in the World" Television Program.

The series called, Sales Desk, contains records that span from 1930 to 1964. These records include lists and catalogs for objects sold at the Education Department sales desk during this period. The series also consists of orders for a plaster Nefertiti bust. Sales records and statistics for the sales desk are filed with the department sales reports in the Administrative series of this collection. Lists and examples of teachers' aids sold at the children sales desk are filed in the Education Department collection's series, Children's Clubs and Teaching Aids. Albums of photographs that were sold at the sales desk are located in the series called, Visual Materials. After 1972 the children's sales desk (later called the Pyramid Shop) kept its own records separate from those of the Education Department.

The series called, The School Museum Program, contains records that span from 1930 to 1948. These records document the activities of the School Museum Program and the related Museum Extension Service. Correspondence between Education Department staff and the colleges and school systems that participated in the School Museum Program are filed in alphabetical order in the subseries, Correspondence with Schools. Other correspondence, reports, and materials related to the school museum program are filed in chronological order. Materials relating specifically to the Museum Extension Service are filed under the folder entitled, Museum Extension Service: Reports, Public Notices, and Correspondence 1934-1938. The series called, Children's Clubs and Teaching Aids, contains records that span from 1933 to 1972. These records are arranged into the following subseries: House Model Kits, How-To-Make-It Club, Teachers' Aids, Game Club, and Junior Membership.

The first subseries, House Model Kits, contains correspondence and publicity concerning house model kits that were first produced and sold by the museum during the 1930s. This subseries also contains directions for some of these kits.

The second subseries, How-To-Make-It club includes correspondence and publicity related to the club as well as the instructions for club crafts projects.

The third subseries, Game Club, chiefly consists of some examples of the club's game activities during the 1950s. Materials related to the Game Club from before 1953 are largely missing from this collection. Kenneth Matthews' description and evaluation of the Game Club is filed under the series, Publications, in the folder called, Articles drafted by Kenneth Matthews 1953-1962.

The fourth subseries, Junior Membership, contains correspondence, activities, membership lists, and event notices related to the Junior Membership program between 1960 and 1972.

The fifth subseries, Teacher's Aids, includes lists of teaching aids sold at the Education Department sales desk and some examples of these resources.

The series called, Workshops and Special Events, contains records that span from 1934 to 1998. These records document a wide range of workshops and special events that were administered by the Education Department, but are not closely related to any of the department's other major functions or initiatives. The workshops and special events covered by the materials in this series include: crafts workshops, children's contests, in-service workshops for teachers, special lectures, storytelling sessions, symposiums, summer camps, puppet shows, and community outreach programs. Materials related to the museum's summer crafts workshops are filed chronologically within their own subseries.

The series called, Object Loans, contains records that span from 1942 to 1985. The bulk of these records consists of lists documenting loans of museum objects to schools and colleges and correspondence between the Education Department and borrowing institutions. The Object Loans series also contains records concerning loan request procedures and object handling instructions for borrowing institutions.

The series called, Group Visits, Tours, and Gallery Activities, contains records that span from 1943 to 1991. These records include correspondence related to group tours, gallery guides, gallery activity worksheets, and the Education Department's information packets for visitors. Throughout its history at the museum, one of the central functions of the Education Department was the administration and organization of museum gallery tours. The limited extent of material found in this series in relation to other series in the collection does not reflect this fact. Researchers, who are interested in the history of the museum's gallery tours, should consult records in the Administrative series for statistical information about tour attendance and written reports concerning docent activities. These researchers should also consult the Volunteer Guides series for more information about volunteers who conducted museum tours after 1962.

The series called, University Courses, contains records that span from 1946 to 1991. These records contain information related to university courses taught at the Penn Museum or taught by the museum's staff. The bulk of the records are arranged chronologically in the subseries, College of General Studies, and concern courses that were a part of the University of Pennsylvania's College of General Studies program.

The series called, Film and Concert Programs, contains records that span from 1957 to 1997. These records are divided among three subseries. The first subseries, Concert Programs, contains records related solely to the museum's concert programs. The second subseries, Public Notices and Schedules, contains public notices and schedules related to both the museum's concert programs and its film programs. The third subseries consists of documents related to the Penn Museum's hosting of the American Museum of Natural History's travelling Margaret Mead Film Festival during the 1990s. Although the Education Department was involved with many of the museum's film and concert programs before 1957, these materials are missing from this series. Researchers who are interested in these programs before 1957 should consult the Activities series of the Education Department collection for printed notices and brochures related to the museum's film and concert programs.

The series called, International Classroom, contains records that span from 1961 to 2002. The bulk of the materials in the series is filed under the subseries, Speaker Biographical Files. This subseries consists of index cards spanning from the 1960s to the 1990s that contain biographical information about International Classroom speakers (e.g. name, address, religious background, short biographical resumes, and photographs). The index cards are filed in boxes separate from the rest of the series and arranged according to the continent and the country of origin of each speaker. Oversized index cards were pulled from the rest of the materials in the subseries and filed in a separate oversize box. Copies were made of the oversized cards and filed with the rest of the biographical files according to the continent and country of origin of each speaker.

Grant reports and proposals related to International Classroom programs are filed under their own subseries in the International Classroom series. Other records related to the International Classroom are filed under the subseries, Other Program Records, and are arranged in chronological order.

The series called, Volunteer Guides, contains records that span from 1962 to 1997. The records in this series document the activities of the Volunteer Guides Organization and include the following materials: meeting minutes and agendas, general correspondence, guide training materials, party planning notes, and event notices. Materials from the 1970s and 1980s are more extensive than materials from other periods covered by this series.

The series called, Pennsylvania State Grant Programs, contains records that span from 1963 to 1999. These records are divided among the following subseries: State Grant Reports, Requests, and Appropriations, General Correspondence, Films, Slide Sets, Circulating Exhibitions, Commonwealth Lecture Program, and Miscellaneous Program Documents.

The first subseries contains the museum's requests for appropriations from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, legislation granting appropriations those appropriations to the museum, and reports on how the museum used those appropriations. The Education Department regularly filed these materials between 1965 and 1999.

The second subseries, General Correspondence, contains general collections of correspondence related to the administration of the Pennsylvania State Grant Programs.

The third subseries, Films, contains materials that concern the production and distribution of educational films the Penn Museum produced with funding it received from the Pennsylvania government. The bulk of the material in this series, is related to the film titled, . Materials related to other films produced with state funding are largely missing from the collection.

The fourth subseries, Slide Sets, contains materials related to collections of film slides the Penn Museum produced and distributed to Pennsylvania libraries using funding from the state government. Dozens of copies of each of the slide sets were delivered to the archives during the 1990s. One copy of each slide set was kept and each of the sets are filed in this subseries.

The fifth subseries, Circulating Exhibitions, contains records related to travelling exhibitions and suitcase-sized exhibitions of Penn Museum objects in public libraries throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Inventories and correspondence containing information about specific loans are filed under the General Correspondence subseries of the Pennsylvania State Grant Programs series and the series entitled, Object Loans.

The sixth subseries, Commonwealth Lecture Program, contains a wide range of materials related to the museum lectures funded by state appropriations. The extent of the materials in this subseries reflects the longevity of this program in relation to the other educational programs funded by the state government.

The seventh subseries, Miscellaneous Program Documents, contains an informational pamphlet that was produced using funding from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the copy of a lecture promoting the museum's state grant programs.

The series called, Project Practicum, contains materials that span from 1970 and 1973. These materials concern the Project Practicum program that was funded through a grant from the National Endowment of the Humanities during the early 1970s. The collection of materials related to the Project Practicum's Inuit programs are less extensive than its other programs.

The series called, Performing Arts, Ethnic Arts, and National Cultures Programs, contains materials related to these programs that span from 1960 to 1990. The bulk of the records in this series date from the time these programs existed between 1972 and 1976. Records dating from before 1972 and after 1976 are chiefly concerned with the preservation and deaccessioning of the Penn Museum's collection of musical instruments.

All of the materials in the Performing Arts, Ethnic Arts, and National Cultures Programs series are divided among four subseries. The first subseries, General Activities and Press Clippings, contains general documents related to a wide range of activities administered by the Performing Arts, Ethnic Arts, and National Cultures programs including dance performances, the preservation of musical instruments, and bicentennial events. The second subseries, Grant Applications, contains materials related to grant applications for the three programs. The third subseries, Programs by Nation or Ethnic Group, consists of materials related to specific ethnic programs. The final subseries, General Correspondence, contains general correspondence related to these programs and their personnel.

The series called, Museum on the Go, contains materials that span from 1973 to 2000. These materials are divided among the following subseries: Administrative, Course Materials, and development. The first subseries, Administrative, includes records that are related to the administration of the Museum on the Go program. This series also consists of press clippings and press releases about the program's events. The second subseries, Course Materials, contains records concerning the mobile guides' Classical, Egyptian, and Woodland Indian educational units. The third subseries, Development, contains materials related to the solicitation of funding for the program.

The series called, Visitor Information Program (V.I.P.), contains materials that span from 1987 to 1994. These materials document the development and administration of the V.I.P. initiative. This series also contains an information book for V.I.P volunteers and lists of questions and concerns raised by museum visitors.

The series called, Publications, contains materials that span from 1941 to 1993. The first subseries in this series, Newsletters, contains copies of various newsletters published by the Education Department. The materials in this subseries were found separate from the rest of the Education Department collection and are found either in oversize drawers or are stored with the Miscellaneous Publications collection. The second subseries, Other Publications, includes publications about the Education Department and a series of articles drafted by the department's staff. This series also consists of correspondence and critical reviews concerning Eleanor Moore's book, .

The series called, Visual Materials, consists of photographs and original ink drawings spanning from the 1920s to the 1980s that are related to the Education Department programs. These materials have been divided among two subseries called Photographs and Drawings. Photographs are stored with the archives' photograph collection and the drawings are stored in the archives' oversize drawers. The drawings in the oversize drawers are listed individually in the collection inventory section of the Education Department collection's finding aid.

The folders in the series called, Reference Files, are largely undated and divided between two subseries. The first subseries, Gallery Guides, contains materials that were found by archival processors in clearly labeled notebooks. The second subseries, Other Reference Files, contains materials that were found loose or in archival folders. The Education Department compiled the materials in both of these subseries as reference materials for tours, lectures, and other educational programs. They were chiefly arranged according to galleries, cultural groups, or special programs. Although some of the materials (e.g. lectures, articles) in the reference files are dated, it is unclear when the Education Department copied most of these materials and gathered them into informational notebooks.

The Education Department delivered the bulk of the materials filed under the Reference Files series during the 1990s. During processing, material that was not created by museum staff or were not directly related museum activities was removed from the Education Department Collection and discarded. These materials included pamphlets from other museums, popular magazine articles, government studies, and mass mailings from private corporations.

In 1997, archival staff discarded the collection of reference files that they had processed in 1981. These materials consisted of publications, reprints, photographs, and magazine illustrations. Archival staff retained and housed museum publications and photographs with Special Collections. One folder entitled, Sample of Reference Files from 1918-1976 Records, contains examples of the materials that were discarded and is filed under the subseries, Other Reference Files.

The final series in the collection is called, Miscellaneous, and contains materials that span from 1936 to 1998. These materials do not appear to have any direct relation to any of the major functions or activities of the Education Department. Folders document a wide range of activities including meetings with the Philadelphia Board of Education (1947-1952), the construction of the museum's Kress Wing (1966-1967), and Kenneth Matthews' involvement with trips organized by the Women's Committee (1965 and 1972).

Publication Information: University of Pennsylvania: Penn Museum Archives,

Finding Aid Author:

Use Restrictions: Although many items from the archives are in the public domain, copyright may be retained by the authors of items in these papers, or their descendants, as stipulated by United States copyright law. The user is fully responsible for compliance with relevant copyright law.


  • Correspondence
  • Inventories
  • Photographs
  • Scrapbooks


  • Anthropological museums and collections

Collections Inventory

Administrative (inclusive: 1921-1996)

Series Description

This series consists of the following subseries: Reports and Appropriations, Personnel, Professional Organizations, Correspondence, Information Requests, and Compliments and Complaints. Folders within each subseries are arranged in chronological order.

The first subseries, Reports and Appropriations, primarily contains statistical and written reports about general Education Department activities. The remainder of this subseries consists of museum budgets, special reports to and from internal committees and outside organizations, and general questionnaires and surveys.

The second subseries, Personnel, contains statistical reports about Education department employees hired under the Federal Emergency Relief Act, applications for education department positions, correspondence concerning department employees and personnel disputes, training and instruction for department personnel, and an ode to one of the department's directors, Cornelia Dam. The bulk of the personnel records were created between 1943 and 1966.

The third subseries, Professional Organizations, contains documents concerning the relationships between Education Department staff and professional organizations, chiefly the UNESCO International Committee of Museums and the American Association of Museums.

The fourth subseries, Correspondence, features general collections of letters and memoranda written to and from Education Department staff.

The fifth subseries, Information Requests, contains correspondence concerning requests for information about archaeological and archaeological subjects or museum staff, services, and resources. Requests for information came from a wide range of organizations and individuals including the Office of Strategic Services and the RKO Radio Pictures Company.

The sixth subseries, Compliments and Complaints, are written compliments and complaints about the museum and museum programs from members of the public.

Reports and Appropriations
General Reports [9 Folders], 1921-1996Box 1
Classroom and Gallery Lecture Statistics Notebooks [4 Folders], 1921-1971Box 1
Membership Reports, 1929-1932Box 1
Questionnaires, 1932-1941Box 1
Statistics for Children's Clubs and Activities, 1934-1935Box 1
Sales Reports [4 Folders], 1939-1972Box 1
Special Reports to George Vaillant 1943Box 1
Budget Proposal, circa 1949-1953Box 1
Annual Statistical and Sales Reports, 1949-1972Box 1
Expense Account Notebooks, 1955-1973Box 1
City Appropriations to the Museum, 1961-1963Box 1
Attendance Statistics, 1965-1972Box 1
Education Department Assets Lists, 1969, 1970, 1973Box 1
Monthly Sales Reports and Statistical Reports, 1970-1972Box 2
Tour Statistics [4 Folders], 1971-1996Box 2
Education Department Mission Report for the 1980sBox 2
Cost Analyses, 1985-1988Box 2
Attendance Statistics for Education Department Programs, 1985-1989Box 2
University Museum Visitor Survey 1986Box 2
Report about Volunteers, 1986-1987Box 2
Museum Task Force on Education Report 1988Box 2
Ludwick Institute Reports, 1989-1991Box 2
Statistical Reports Concerning Museum Guides, 1989-1994Box 2
Marketing Committee Survey 1990Box 2
Museum Admission and Membership Fee Rates, 1991-1992Box 2
Summary of Education Department Activities During the 1980s, 1991Box 2
Programs by Nation or Ethnic Group
American Indian Singer, 1970-1975Box 16
Africans and African Americans, 1974-1975Box 16
Angola, 1973-1974Box 16
Chinese, 1973-1976Box 16
Chopi, 1973Box 16
Croatia, 1976Box 16
England, 1974Box 16
Ethiopia, 1974Box 16
Gambia, 1974Box 16
Germany, 1974Box 16
Ghana, 1975Box 16
Greece (Hellenic), 1974-1975Box 16
Haiti, 1975-1976Box 16
Hungary, 1976Box 16
India, 1973-1976Box 16
Ireland, 1974-1976Box 16
Israel-Hebrew-Yiddish-Jewish, 1974-1976Box 16
Italy, 1974-1976Box 16
Korea, 1973-1976Box 16
Latvia, 1974-1976Box 16
Liberia, 1974Box 16
Mexico, 1975Box 16
Netherlands, 1973-1976Box 16
Poland, 1974-1976Box 16
Puerto Rico, 1973-1976Box 16
Scandinavia, 1974Box 16
South Asia, 1973-1976Box 16
Spain, 1975-1976Box 16
Trinidad and Tobago, 1975-1976Box 16
Turkish, 1973-1975Box 16
Ukraine, 1974-1976Box 16
Vietnam, 1976Box 16
Federal Emergency Relief Act Employment Reports, 1934Box 2
An Ode to Cornelia Dam, circa 1940sBox 2
Applications for Museum Jobs, 1943-1947Box 2
Description of Suggested Jobs for Volunteers, 1948-1951Box 2
General Correspondence, 1948-1952Box 2
Correspondence Concerning Genevieve Van Bever, 1953-1955Box 2
Instructions for Department Personnel, 1956-1966Box 2
Admissions Desk Attendants' Training 1989Box 2
Professional Organizations
Participation in the Exhibitions at the 1947 UNESCO ConferenceBox 2
The American Association of Museums Reports and Corrrespondence, 1947-1949Box 2
UNESCO International Committee of Museums Reports and Correspondence [2 Folders], 1947-1951Box 2
American Association of Museums Meeting Correspondence, 1951Box 2
American Institute of Archaeology Correspondence, 1961-1964Box 2
American Association of Museums-Steering Committee for the Museums Initiative Reports and Correspondence, 1989Box 2
American Association of Museums Conference Memorandum, 1990Box 2
General Correspondence, 1930-1931Box 2
General Correspondence, 1941-1961Box 2
General Correspondence A-E, 1964-1971Box 2
General Correspondence F-J, 1964-1971Box 2
General Correspondence K-P, 1964-1972Box 2
General Correspondence Q-T, 1964-1971Box 2
General Correspondence U-Z, 1964-1971Box 2
General Correspondence, 1971-1975Box 2
General Correspondence, 1977-1985Box 2
General Correspondence, 1986-1987Box 3
General Correspondence, 1988-1990Box 3
General Correspondence, 1990-1991Box 3
General Correspondence, 1992-1995Box 3
General Correspondence, 1995-1997Box 3
Correspondence with the New Jersey State Museum, 1931Box 3
Correspondence Concerning Sales, Purchases, and Acquisitions, 1933-1966Box 3
Copyright Permission Requests, 1942-1949Box 3
United Nations Flags, 1948Box 3
Correspondence with Businesses and Industries, 1949-1951Box 3
Correspondence with the Handweaver’s Guild, 1949-1971Box 3
Correspondence with the University of Pennsylvania, 1950-1952Box 3
Correspondence with Father Merveille and the Congress of World Unity, 1974-1975Box 3
Correspondence with Lin Foxhall, 1975-1976Box 3
Correspondence Concerning Community Outreach, 1980Box 3
Correspondence with Jeffrey Richard Ray, 1981-1983Box 3
General Memoranda, 1981-1996Box 3
Egyptian Section Memoranda, 1983-1984Box 3
Correspondence with the Math/Science Clearing House, 1986-1987Box 3
Requests for Free Museum Services, 1990-1991Box 3
Correspondence with Chris McFarlane, 1991Box 3
Information Requests
Office of Strategic Services, 1942Box 3
RKO Radio Pictures Company, 1944-1948Box 3
Gilbert Rosenthal, 1949Box 3
General Information Requests, 1976-1983Box 3
Compliments and Complaints
Acknowledgement Letters from The Overbrook School of the Blind, 1958Box 3
Complaint about Museum Film Program, 1972Box 3
Fan Mail for the Education Department, 1973-1974Box 3
Thank You Letters to Museum Guides, 1989-1992Box 3
Complaints about the Museum, 1991-1992Box 3
Complimentary Letters about the Museum, 1992-1996Box 3

Activities (inclusive: 1919-1990)

Series Description

This series primarily consists of public notices, brochures, mailings, event programs, press clippings, press releases, posters, and flyers for Education Department activities. The bulk of these materials was created between 1919 and 1980. All of the folders in this series are divided between two subseries. The first subseries, General Activities, consists of general collections of materials relating to Education Department activities. The second subseries, Specialized Activities and Event Notices, contains more specialized collections such as lecture posters and public notices (1919-1940), materials related to musical activities (1950-1972), public notices for Saturday morning children's programs (1950-1974), and activity and event brochures (1979-1986). The folders in both subseries are arranged in chronological order.

General Activities
General Activities [4 Folders], 1919-1932Box 3
General Activities, 1931-1938Box 3
General Activities, 1938-1942Box 4
General Activities [2 Folders], 1942-1952Box 4
General Activities, 1952-1954Box 4
General Activities [4 Folders], 1956-1963Box 4
General Activities [3 Folders], 1963-1971Box 4
General Activities [2 Folders], 1971-1973Box 4
General Activities [2 Folders], 1973-1974Box 4
General Activities [2 folders], 1974-1977Box 4
General Activities, 1977-1980Box 4
Specialized Activities and Event Notices
Posters and Public Notices for Lectures, 1919-1940Box 4
Invitations and Annoucements for Museum Activties, 1929-1935Box 4
Musical Activities, 1950-1972Box 4
Public Notices for Saturday Morning Children's Programs, 1950-1974Box 4
Public Notices for Museum Programs, 1951-1958Box 5
Activity and Event Brochures, 1979-1986Box 5
Special Exhibitions
The Nevil Gallery
General Correspondence, 1972-1979Box 5
Publicity 1973Box 5
Grant Proposal 1976Box 5
Attendance Statistics, circa 1970sBox 5
Gallery Notes and Labels, circa 1970sBox 5
Correspondence, 1987-1989Box 5
Gallery Game Activity, circa late 1980sBox 5
Educational Brochure and Exhibit Highlights, circa late 1980sBox 5
Development of Educational Programs for the Exhibit [2 Folders], 1988-1991Box 5
Correspondence About the Teacher's Manual, 1990-1991Box 5
Copyright Agreements for the Teacher's Manual, 1991Box 5
Training for Tour Guides, 1991-1994Box 5
Teachers' Workshop, 1991-1992Box 5
Proposal for a Interactive Disc, 1991-1994Box 5
Development of the Educational Programs for the Exhibit, 1991-1993Box 5
Materials Related to the Teacher's Manual, 1992-1995Box 5
Requests for Exhibit Manuals and Videos, Bulk, 1992-1993Box 5
Other Exhibitions
Education Department Exhibits, 1922-1952Box 5
Travelling Exhibition, 1942-1947Box 5
Education Department Proposals for New Travelling Exhibits, 1948Box 5
Exhibit to Be Made into Filmstrip, circa 1950sBox 5
Correspondence and Materials Related to the Exhibit, 1954Box 5
Correspondence and Materials Related to the Exhibit, 1954Box 5
National Exhibit of Art By the Blind, 1976Box 5
Correspondence and Gallery Game, 1979-1981Box 5
Ancient Egypt: Diversity and Unity Proposal for Exhibit and Lecture Program, 1979Box 5
Information Sheets and Children's Projects, 1989Box 5
Archaeology Computer Project, 1990-1992Box 5
Broadcast Programs
Schedules and Scripts for Cornelia Dam's Radio Talks, 1930Box 6
Radio Program Correspondence, Schedules, and Publicity [2 Folders], 1943-1946Box 6
Radio Program Correspondence, Notes, Schedules, and Publicity, 1946-1947Box 6
Radio Program Correspondence, Ratings, Schedules, and Publicity, 1947-1948Box 6
Television Program Correspondence, Scripts, and Publicity [2 Folders], 1947-1948Box 6
Radio Program Correspondence, 1948-1951Box 6
Television Program Correspondence, Scripts, and Publicity, 1948-1951Box 6
Histories of the Museum's Broadcast Programs, 1951Box 6
Television Program Schedule and Scripts, 1967-1968Box 6
Treatments, Screen Tests, Schedules, and Correspondence, 1979-1981Box 6
Production Schedules, Correspondence, and Lists of Panelists, circa 1979-1981Box 6
Scripts for Radio Segments Advertising the Museum, 1984Box 6
Radio Program
Suggestions for Stories, circa 1942-1952Box 6
Stories, circa 1942-1952Box 6
Scripts [3 folders], 1943-1944Box 6
Scripts [3 folders], 1944-1945Box 6
Scripts [2 folders], 1945Box 7
Scripts [4 Folders], 1945-1946Box 7
Scripts [4 Folders], 1946-1947Box 7
Scripts [3 Folders], 1947-1948Box 7
Scripts [3 Folders], 1948-1949Box 7
Scripts [4 Folders], 1949-1950Box 7
Scripts [4 Folders], 1950-1951Box 7
Scripts [4 Folders], 1951-1952Box 8
KYW Radio Program Educational Manuals [4 Folders], 1945-1949Box 8

Film Collection (inclusive: 1929-1988)

Series Description

This series contains correspondence, film descriptions, notes, teaching aids, inventories and grant applications. These records are related to the Education Department's management of the Penn Museum film collection and the acquisition and production of educational films and filmstrips. Records concerning the production and distribution of films using funds from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania are filed in the subseries, Films, under the series entitled, Pennsylvania State Grant Programs. Folders are arranged in chronological order.

List of Motion Picture Reels 1920sBox 5
Film Descriptions and Teachers' Aids, 1929-1931Box 5
Film Library and Film Production Notes and Correspondence, 1939-1940Box 5
Correspondence about Film Royalties, 1939-1991Box 5
Caspar Hacker Film Donation Notebook, 1940Box 5
General Reports, Correspondence, and Lectures Concerning the Johnson Film Library, 1940-1948Box 5
Correspondence about Film Loans, Bulk, 1959-1975Box 5
Film Strip and Film Slide Correspondence, Scripts and Production Notes [2 Folders], 1946-1949Box 5
Correspondence with and Concerning Ted Nemeth [2 Folders], Bulk, 1948-1954Box 5
Correspondence and Film Inventories [2 Folders], 1953-1962Box 5
Descriptions of the Museum's Unedited 16mm Films [2 Folders], 1958-1972Box 6
16mm Film Processing and Cleaning Records, 1958-1972Box 6
Lists of Film Distributors and 16mm Films in the Museum Collection, 1960-1972Box 6
Correspondence and Reports About Watson Kintner's Film Donations [2 Folders], 1959-1971Box 6
Descriptions of Edited Films, circa 1970sBox 6
List of 16 mm Films for Loan 1972Box 6
General List of Films in the Museum Collection, circa 1970sBox 6
General Correspondence, 1974-1988Box 6
Application for Grant to Produce the film "Museum" 1985Box 6

The School Museum Program (bulk: Bulk, 1930-1942) (inclusive: 1930-1948)

Series Description

This series contains documents that are related to the School Museum Program and the Museum Extension Service. One subseries consists of correspondence between the Education Department and schools participating in the School Museum Program. Folders in this subseries are arranged in alphabetical order. The rest of the folders in this series are arranged chronologically and contain reports, publicity, course contents, correspondence, and lists and descriptions of teachers' aids.

Photographs relatted to the School Museum Program are located in the series called, Visual Materials, under the subseries called, Photographs.

Announcement of the Carnegie Grant, circa 1930Box 8
Reports, Publicity, and Unit Resources [2 Folders], 1930-1942Box 8
Register of Unit Resources and Educational Standards Correlations [2 Folders], circa 1930sBox 8
Register of Program Activities, Display Labels, and Object Catalogues for Cheltenham Township Public Schools, circa 1930sBox 8
Shelter Unit: Teaching Resources and Educational Standards Correlations, circa 1930sBox 8
Records Unit: Teaching Resources and Classroom Projects [3 Folders], 1930-1942Box 8
Clothing Unit: Unit Outlines, Resources, and Classroom Projects, 1930-1948Box 8
Correspondence with the Commercial Museum and the Pennsylvania Department of Instruction, 1930-1933Box 8
Orders for Japanese House Models, 1933-1936Box 8
Museum Extension Service: Reports, Public Notices, and Correspondence, 1934-1938Box 8
Lists of Artifacts Used in School Museum Lectures 1935Box 8
General Correspondence, 1936-1940Box 8
Unit Outlines and Bibliographies for Teachers 1939Box 8
Correspondence with Schools
Beaver Country Day, Massachusetts, 1931-1936Box 9
Cass Township, Pennsylvania, 1931-1938Box 9
Cheltenham Township, Pennsylvania, 1932-1935Box 9
Clarion State Teachers College, 1932-1938Box 9
Grove City College, 1931-1936Box 9
Indiana, Pennsylvania State Teachers College, 1931-1936Box 9
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 1930-1936Box 9
Lansdowne, Pennsylvania, 1930-1936Box 9
Morrisville, Missouri, 1932-1934Box 9
Munhall, Pennsylvania, 1931-1936Box 9
Radnor, Pennsylvania [2 Folders], 1931-1940Box 9
Shippensburg, Pennsylvania State Teachers College, 1932-1934Box 9
West Chester, Pennsylvania, 1932-1934Box 9

Sales Desk (inclusive: 1930-1964)

Series Description

This series consists of lists and descriptions of items sold by the Education Department's sales desk. It also contains orders for a reproduction Nefertiti bust and an undated sales catalogue for plaster casts. Folders are arranged chronologically.

Sales reports and statistics for the sales desk are filed under the Administrative series of this collection in the subseries entitled, Reports and Appropriations.

Photograph albums containing examples of photographs sold at the sales desk are located in the series called, Visual Materials, under the subseries called, Photographs.

Museum Postcard Sets 1930Box 8
Post Cards, Casts, and Publication Lists, circa late 1930sBox 8
Publication Lists [2 Folders], 1940-1944Box 8
Picture Sets, 1943-1949Box 8
List of Kodachrome Slides, circa late 1940sBox 8
Addition to the Museum Cast CatalogueBox 8
Orders for Nefertiti Bust, 1956-1964Box 8

Children's Clubs and Teaching Aids (inclusive: 1933-1972)

Series Description

This series contains the following subseries of records that concern the museum's children's clubs and teaching aids produced by the museum House Model Kits, How-To-Make-It Club, Game Club, Junior Membership, and Teachers Aids. The subseries are arranged in chronological order and the materials in each subseries are also arranged in this way.

The first subseries, House Model Kits, consists of correspondence and publicity related to the house model kits that were first produced and sold by the museum during the 1930s. It also contains plans for some of the house model kits. Additional blueprints and drawings of the Babylonian and Roman house models are filed under the series entitled, Visual Materials, and are stored in the archives' oversize drawers. The second subseries, How-To-Make-It Club, includes instructions for crafts projects, publicity about the club, club membership forms, and correspondence related to the How-To-Make-It-Club. Folders are arranged in chronological order.

The third subseries, Game Club, consists of games and activities for Game Club members that chiefly date from 1955 to 1958. Folders are arranged in chronological order.

The fourth subseries, Junior Membership, contains correspondence, activities, membership lists, and event notices related to the Junior Membership program between 1960 and 1972.

The fifth subseries, Teacher's Aids, includes lists of teaching aids sold at the Education Department sales desk and some examples of these resources. The lists of aids are located at the beginning of the subseries.

Photographs of the house models, Game Club activities, and Junior Membership activities are located in the series called, Visual Materials, under the subseries called, Photographs.

Junior Membership publications ( , , and ) are located in the series called, Publications, under the subseries called, Newsletters.

House Model Kits
Egyptian and Medieval House Model Directions, circa 1930sBox 9
Roman House Model Directions and Account Records, circa 1930sBox 9
Publicity, 1933-1935Box 9
General Correspondence, 1935-1944Box 9
How-To-Make-It Club
Project Instructions and Publicity [2 folders], 1933-1936Box 9
Informational Letter Describing the Club 1934Folder P-6-9
Project Instructions and Membership Application, 1936-1938Box 9
Correspondence with the Ellis Manufacturing Company, 1948-1949Box 9
Game Club
Treasure Hunt Activity Notebooks, 1937-1953Box 9
Treasure Hunt Activity 1955Box 9
Game Set #1 [2 folders], 1956-1957Box 9
Game Set #1A [2 Folders], 1956-1957Box 9
Game Set #2, 1956-1957Box 9
Hawkeye Game Set #1B, 1956-1957Box 9
Hawkeye Game Set #2B, 1956-1957Box 9
Game Sets, 1957-1958Box 9
Artifacts Information SheetsBox 10
Gallery Treasure HuntsBox 10
Junior Membership
Crafts Studio Workshop Invitation, circa 1930sBox 10
Correspondence, Activities, Membership Lists, and Administrative Reports, 1960-1963Box 10
Membership Information Notice 1964Box 10
Scarab Club Correspondence 1969Box 10
False Face Party InvitationBox 10
Notices and Announcements for Club EventsBox 10
Teachers Aids
Lists of Teachers Aids [Undated]Box 10
Lists of Visual Aids for Teachers [2 folders]Box 10
Egyptian Paper CutoutsBox 10
Eskimo Life Teaching AidBox 10
Greek and Roman Life Teachers AidsBox 10
Native American Life Teachers AidsBox 10
Roman Furniture CutoutsBox 10
Miscellaneous Teachers AidsBox 10
Slide Sets
Lists of Slide Sets and Slide Descriptions, circa 1960sBox 13
Art and Architecture of Thailand 1972Box 13
Biblical Archaeology 1979Box 13
The Acropolis of Ancient Athens, circa late 1960sBox 13
Ancient Greek Athletic Contests, circa late 1960sBox 13
Benin, circa 1970s-1980sBox 13
Daily Life in Ancient Athens, circa late 1960sBox 13
EgyptBox 13
Ancient Greece and RomeBox 13
Mummification Slide Set NotesBox 13
Egyptian Slide Set NotesBox 13
Puppets, circa 1980sBox 13
The Royal Tombs of Ur, circa 1960s-1970sBox 13
The Story of Ancient and Primative Writing and Record Keeping, circa 1960s-1970sBox 13
Thai Traditional Dance, Drama, and Music, circa 1970sBox 13
Tikal, An Ancient Mayan City, circa 1970sBox 13
Woodland Indian Life, circa late 1960sBox 13

Workshops and Special Events (inclusive: 1942-1998)

Series Description

This series contains correspondence, event notices, publicity, notes, and activity worksheets related to workshops and special events at the museum. The Education Department was involved with a wide range of special programs at the museum including crafts workshops, teacher in-service workshops, holiday parties, adult outreach programs, professional symposia, storytelling sessions, and summer camps. Folders are arranged in chronological order.

The subseries called, Summer Crafts Workshops, contains public notices, planning notes, and correspondence related to the series of Summer Crafts Workshops held at the museum for children.

Photographs showing crafts workshops and special events at the museum are located in the series called, Visual Materials, under the subseries called, Photographs.

Around the World Program 1942-1943Box 10
Lets Make Music Contest 1950-1951Box 10
Film Clinic at the Museum 1954Box 10
Teacher In-Service Workshops 1954-1968Box 10
El Nahual Puppet Show 1955-1956Box 10
Kenneth Matthews Extension Lecture Notices 1958Box 10
Special Summer Program 1969Box 10
World Affairs Council Program 1972-1973Box 10
Kintner Photographic Symposium 1972Box 10
Kintner Photographic Workshop 1974Box 10
Special Egyptian Lectures - Preliminary Responses 1978Box 10
"Create-a-Christmas-Tree-Ornament" Party 1979Box 10
Egyptian Mummy Special Lectures 1980-1981Box 10
Continuum Program 1983-1984Box 10
Tipis Program 1984Box 10
Jewish Community Center Courses 1985Box 10
Storytelling Programs 1986-1987Box 10
Family Activities 1988Box 10
Materials in Motion Event 1988Box 10
Explorations in Archaeology Workshop Series 1988-1989Box 10
Rainforest Symposium Information Kit 1989Box 10
Handstamping Workshop Correspondence, Publicity, and Activity Worksheets 1989Box 10
Peak Week May 16-20 1990Box 10
Summer and Fall Special Programs Schedules and Public Notices 1990Box 10
Zaire Dancers Workshop 1991Box 10
Storytelling Programs 1991-1992Box 10
African American Celebration 1992Box 10
Children's Workshops 1993-1994Box 10
Six Continents Event 1994Box 10
Children's Storytelling 1995Box 10
Teachers' Workshop 1995Box 10
CityWide Shadowing Day 1996Box 10
Summer Camp 1998Box 10
"Dig-in" Summer WorkshopBox 10
Directions and Patterns for Indian Craft Class [2 Folders]Box 10
Keys to the Past Teacher In-Service WorkshopBox 10
Workshop and Craft PlansBox 10
Summer Crafts Workshops
Public Notices 1954-1975Box 10
Planning Notebook, circa 1960sBox 10
Egyptian Workshop Planning Notes 1972Box 10
Native American Workshop Notes, Correspondence, and Public Notices 1986Box 10

Object Loans (inclusive: 1942-1989)

Series Description

This series contains documents from 1942 to 1989 that are related to the Education Department's object lending program. These documents include: correspondence with borrowing institutions, instructions and procedures for borrowing objects, standardized object loan forms, inventories of museum objects available for loan, and records of object loans. Folders are arranged in chronological order.

Extension Department Reports and Lists of Objects Available for Loan 1942-1950 [2 Folders]Box 10
Loan Instructions and Procedures, circa 1950s-1970Box 11
Loan Object Lists and Inventories 1950-1971Box 11
General Loan Records 1972-1987 [6 Folders]Box 11
Lists of Education Department Loan Collections 1985Box 11
Black History Assembly Loan Correspondence 1989Box 11
Catalog of Photographic Slides for LoanBox 11

Group Visits, Tours, and Gallery Activities (inclusive: 1943-1991)

Series Description

This series contains correspondence, information packets, instructions, activities, and guides related to group visits and tours of the museum galleries. Folders are arranged in chronological order.

Attendance statistics for group visits and tours are filed in the series called, Administrative, under the subseries called, Reports and Appropriations.

Photographs of groups visiting the museum are located in the series called, Visual Materials, under the subseries called, Photographs.

Information for Class Visits to the Museum, circa 1943-1949Box 11
Information and Instructions for Class Visits, [after 1950s]Box 11
Guided Gallery Tours, circa 1970sBox 11
Gallery Activity Worksheets, circa 1970s-1980sBox 11
Tour Correspondence 1975-1985 [Merge 2 Folders]Box 11
Plains Gallery Game Activity, circa 1980sBox 11
Young Visitors Guide to the Museum 1990Box 11
Information for Group Visits to the Museum 1991Box 11
Self-Guided ToursBox 11

University Courses (inclusive: 1946-1991)

Series Description

The folders in this series are arranged chronologically and contain documents related to courses taught at the University of Pennsylvania. The bulk of the folders in this series are filed under the subseries, College of General Studies. This subseries contains correspondence and public notices related to College of General Studies courses taught at the museum or by museum personnel from 1971 to 1992. The remainder of the folders in this series are located in the subseries called, Other University Courses and Seminars. This subseries contains notes, lectures, and public notices for University of Pennsylvania courses and seminars affiliated with museum staff other than the College of General Studies courses.

College of General Studies Correspondence and Public Notices
1971 and 1982 CoursesBox 11
Spring of 1984 CoursesBox 11
Summer of 1984 CoursesBox 11
Fall of 1984 CoursesBox 11
Spring of 1985 CoursesBox 11
Summer of 1985 CoursesBox 11
Fall of 1985 and Winter of 1986 CoursesBox 11
Summer of 1986 CoursesBox 11
Fall of 1986 and Winter of 1987 CoursesBox 11
Spring of 1987 CoursesBox 11
1988 Course for ChildrenBox 11
1991 and 1992 CoursesBox 11
Course NoticeBox 11
Other University Courses and Seminars
Anthropology 105 Notes and Lectures 1946-1950 [2 Folders]Box 11
Museum Careers Seminar Notes 1989Box 11
Education 514 Notes and Public Notices 1991Box 11

Film and Concert Programs (inclusive: 1957-1997)

Series Description

This series contains three subseries. The first subseries, Concert Programs, consists of correspondence, program schedules, press releases, and press clippings related to the museum's concert programs between 1957 and 1983. The second subseries, Public Notices and Schedules, contains public notices and schedules for weekend film programs and concert programs between 1957 and 1992. The third subseries, Margaret Mead Film Festivals, contains, correspondence, schedules, publicity, and grant proposals related to the American Museum of Natural History's travelling Margaret Mead Film Festivals shown at the Penn Museum.

Concert Programs
University Museum Concert Series Correspondence, Schedules, and Publicity [2 Folders], 1957-1965Box 11
University Museum Concert Series Correspondence, Schedules, and Publicity, 1965-1969Box 11
University Museum Concert Series Correspondence, Schedules, and Publicity [2 Folders], 1969-1973Box 11
General Concert Program Correspondence and Schedules, 1974-1975Box 11
Music at the Museum Concert Schedules and Correspondence, 1976-1977Box 11
Collegium Musicum Concert Series Schedules and Correspondence, 1979-1983Box 11
Correspondence About Concert Program Finances [2 Folders], 1961-1993Box 11
Grant Requests, 1980-1982Box 11
Public Notices
Free Sunday Film Program, 1957-1958Box 12
Sunday Film and Music Program, 1958-1961Box 12
Saturday Afternoon Concert Series, 1960-1961Box 12
Sunday Film Program, 1961-1967Box 12
Music at the Museum Program, 1961-1976Box 12
Sunday Entertainment Programs, 1968-1972Box 12
Adult Programs, 1972-1982Box 12
Children's Film Program, 1974-1977Box 12
Program, 1986-1993Box 12
Program, 1985-1989Box 12
Program, 1989-1992Box 12
Margaret Mead Film Festivals
Correspondence, Publicity, and Brochures for the 1993 and 1994 FestivalsBox 12
Correspondence, Publicity, and Brochures for the 1995 FestivalBox 12
Correspondence, Publicity, and Brochures for the 1996 FestivalBox 12
Correspondence, Publicity, and Brochures for the 1997 FestivalBox 12
Pennsylvania Humanities Council Grant 1995Box 12
General PublicityBox 12

International Classroom (inclusive: 1961-2002)

Series Description

This series contains press clippings, correspondence, grant reports, public notices, meeting minutes, notes, biographical files, and an instructional handbook related to the International Classroom.

The bulk of the materials in the series are filed under the subseries, Speaker Biographical Files. This subseries consists of index cards that contain biographical information (e.g. name, address, religious background, short biographical resumes, and photographs) about International Classroom speakers. The index cards are filed according to the continent and the country of origin of each speaker. Oversized index cards were pulled from the rest of the materials in the subseries and filed in a separate oversize box. Copies were made of the oversized cards and these copies were filed with the rest of the biographical files according to the continent and country of origin of each speaker.

Materials related to grants supporting International Classroom Programs are filed in chronological order within the subseries entitled, Grant Reports and Proposals. The remainder of the materials in the series is arranged in chronological order in the subseries entitled, Other Program Records.

Speaker Biographical Files
OceaniaBox 21
EuropeBox 21
North AmericaBox 22
Central AmericaBox 22
South AmericaBox 22
CaribbeanBox 23
AsiaBox 23
Middle EastBox 25
AfricaBox 26
Oversize FilesBox 28
Grant Reports and Proposals
National Endowment for the Arts Grant Proposal 1983Box 12
Hispano Grant Reports 1996-1998Box 12
Hollis Grant Reports 1997-1999Box 12
Reina Grant Report 1998-1999Box 12
Subaru Grant Proposal, Reports, and Correspondence 2000-2002Box 12
Other Program Records
Press Clippings [Copied from a Scrapbook], 1961-1973Box 12
Reports, Correspondence, Public Notices, and Meeting Minutes [2 Folders], Bulk, 1974-1976Box 12
International Classroom Handbook, circa 1982-1987Box 12
Pamphlets and Workshop Notices, 1985-1987Box 12
Vocabulary Activity Lists 1987Box 12
Press Clippings, 1989-2000Box 12
Public Notices for Programs, 1995-2001Box 12
General Correspondence, 1997-2002Box 12
Arneth Archaeological Project: Reports, Correspondence, and Publicity, 1997-1998Box 12
Camden Schools Correspondence, 1997-2001Box 12
Introduction to Anthropology Presentation OutlineBox 12

Volunteer Guides (inclusive: 1962-1997)

Series Description

The materials in this series concern the Volunteer Guides Organization and are divided among five subseries. The first subseries, Meetings and Reports, contains minutes, agendas, discussions for Volunteer Guides meetings and a policy review report. The second subseries, Training and Orientation, consists of information packets, training guidelines, workshop activities, and presentations related to the training and orientation of volunteer guides. The third subseries, Correspondence, contains the general correspondence of the Organization, a letter from Hasanlu, and general printed matter produced by the Volunteer Guides Organization. The fourth subseries, Parties and Events, contains games, planning notes, publicity, correspondence, and invitations related to parties, trips, and events organized by the volunteer guides. The final subseries, Volunteer Members, includes lists of members and articles about individual guides. The subseries and the folders within each of the subseries are arranged in chronological order.

Meetings and Reports
Meeting Minutes 1962-1964Box 12
Volunteer Guides Organization Policy Review 1973-1974Box 12
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes 1974-1976Box 12
Meeting Minutes 1975-1979Box 12
Meeting Minutes and Speakers' Schedule 1980-1984Box 12
Meeting Agendas 1983-1987Box 12
Meeting Minutes 1985-1986Box 12
Steering Committee Meeting Agendas and Memoranda 1988-1990Box 12
Meeting Minutes 1988-1992Box 12
Meeting Minutes 1994-1995Box 12
Guide Meeting Discussion About ChronologiesBox 12
Training and Orientation
Geraldine Bruckner's Presentation for Volunteer Docents 1962Box 12
Information and Training Materials for New Guides 1974-1979Box 12
Histories of the Volunteer Guides Organization 1983-1993Box 12
Workshop on Teaching Skills 1990Box 12
General Correspondence 1968-1971Box 12
General Correspondence 1973-1976Box 12
General Correspondence 1981-1986Box 12
Mary Virginia Harris Letter From Hasanlu to Volunteer Guides 1972Box 12
Parties and Events
Party Invitations, Games, and Planning Notes, 1968-1975Box 12
Bus Trip Schedules, Correspondence, and Planning Notes [Merge 2 folders], 1980-1995Box 12
Party Invitations. Games, and Planning Notes, 1976-1981Box 13
Cocktail Party Plans and Invitations 1982Box 13
Cocktail Party Plans and Invitations 1983Box 13
Cocktail Party Invitations 1984Box 13
Cocktail Party Plans and Invitations 1986Box 13
Cocktail Party Plans and Invitations 1988Box 13
Cocktail Party Plans and Invitations 1990Box 13
Cocktail Party Plans and Invitations 1992-1993Box 13
Volunteer Members
Annual Lists Showing Member Information, 1970-1987Box 13
Articles About Individual Volunteer Guide Members, 1993-1997Box 13
General Correspondence
Gribbon, William E. Correspondence, 1960-1973Box 16
Performing and Ethnic Arts General Correspondence [2 Folders], 1966-1974Box 16
Bertnut, Marina Correspondence, 1973-1974Box 16
Maestro, Edward Correspondence, 1973Box 16
Minott, Joseph General Correspondence, 1974-1976Box 16
Minott, Joseph Correspondence About Funding, 1974Box 16
Correspondence with Schools, 1974-1975Box 16
National Cultures Department General Correspondence, 1974-1976Box 16

Pennsylvania State Grant Programs (inclusive: 1963-1999)

Series Description

This series contains records of programs financed through the annual grant given to the University of Pennsylvania Museum by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania since 1966. These records are divided among the following subseries: State Grant Reports, Requests, and Appropriations; General Correspondence; Films; Slide Sets; Circulating Exhibitions; Commonwealth Lecture Series; and Miscellaneous Program Documents.

The first subseries, State Grant Reports, Requests, and Appropriations, consists of grant request applications and grant reports to the Pennsylvania State government. It also contains program appropriations budgets and copies of Pennsylvania legislation that grants funding to the museum.

The second subseries, General Correspondence, contains correspondence concerning the general administration and development of the state grant programs.

The third subseries, Films, contains correspondence, reports, and notes related to the production and distribution of educational movies that were funded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

The fourth subseries, Slide Sets, primarily consists of collections of 35mm slides and printed descriptions of these collections created by the museum with funding from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This subseries also includes correspondence, notes, and reports related to the creation of the slide sets.

The fifth subseries, Circulating Exhibitions, includes publicity, exhibit preparation instructions, reports, and correspondence related to travelling exhibits and suitcase exhibits funded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This subseries also contains the descriptions and plans for various travelling exhibits.

The sixth subseries, Commonwealth Lecture Program, contains correspondence, memoranda, press clippings, program catalogs, reports, and lecture topic lists related to the Commonwealth Lecture Program.

The seventh subseries, Miscellaneous Program Documents, includes a lecture promoting state grant programs and a pamphlet produced by the museum with funding from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Reports, Grant Requests, and Appropriations
Pennsylvania State Government Report About the Museum 1963Box 13
Grant Requests and Appropriations 1965-1977Box 13
Grant Reports 1970-1976 [2 Folders]Box 13
Grant Requests and Appropriations 1977-1981Box 13
General Program Report 1983-1984Box 13
Grant Report 1986-1987Box 13
Grant Request 1988-1989Box 13
Grant Request 1989-1990Box 13
Grant Request 1991-1992Box 13
Grant Request 1995-1996Box 13
Grant Request 1996-1997Box 13
Grant Request 1998-1999Box 13
General Correspondence
General Correspondence, 1967-1976Box 13
Correspondence About Films, Slides, and Magazine, 1967-1971Box 13
Questionnaires to Libraries 1972Box 13
Correspondence About Froelich Rainey's Visits to Pennsylvania Libraries 1976Box 13
Film Production Notes and Correspondence, 1966-1982Box 13
Brochure 1966Box 13
Correspondence, 1967-1976Box 13
General Film Correspondence 1972Box 13
Circulating Exhibitions
African Art Exhibit, circa 1960s-1970sBox 13
Ancient Egypt Exhibit, circa 1960s-1970sBox 13
Ancient Greece Exhibit, circa 1960s-1970sBox 13
Ancient Writing Exhibit, circa 1960s-1970sBox 13
Crafts of the Ancient Near East Exhibit, circa 1960s-1970sBox 14
Exhibit Case Designs, circa 1960s-1970sBox 14
Travelling Exhibit Publicity, 1967-1972Box 14
Travelling Exhibit Instructions and Reports, 1967-1971Box 14
Suitcase Exhibits, 1970-1972Box 14
Suitcase Exhibits Correspondence, Bulk, 1982-1983Box 14
Commonwealth Lecture Program
Attendance Statistics, 1976-1984Box 14
Attendance Statistics and General Program Report, 1984-1985Box 14
Attendance Statistics and General Program Report, 1985-1986Box 14
Attendance Statistics, 1986-1987Box 14
Attendance Statistics and Lecture Topics, 1991-2000Box 14
General Correspondence, 1972-1974; 1977-1978Box 14
Correspondence, Memos, Publicity, and Lecture Topics, 1976-1977Box 14
Organizational Letters to Libraries and Lecturers, 1978-1979Box 14
Correspondence with Lecturers, 1986-1987Box 14
Correspondence with Lecture Hosts, 1987-1988Box 14
Correspondence with Lecture Hosts, 1992-1993Box 14
Correspondence with Lecture Hosts, 1995Box 14
Correspondence with Lecture Hosts [2 Folders], 1996Box 14
Correspondence with Lecture Hosts [2 Folders], 1997-1998Box 14
Correspondence with Lecture Hosts, 1999Box 14
Lecture Topic Proposals, 1977Box 14
Lecture Topics and Topic Proposals, 1978-1979Box 14
Lecture Topics, Fall 1985
Lecture Topic Proposals, 1986-1987Box 14
Lecture Topic Proposals, 1987-1988; 1990Box 14
Lecture Catalog, 1979-1980Box 14
Lecture Catalog, 1980Box 14
Lecture Catalogs, 1981-1982Box 14
Lecture Catalogs, 1983-1984Box 14
Lecture Catalog and Topics, 1985-1986Box 14
Lecture Catalog, 1986-1987Box 14
Lecture Catalog, 1987-1988Box 14
Memos About the 1988-1989 Lecture CatalogBox 14
Lecture Catalog, 1989-1990Box 14
Lecture Catalog, circa early 1990sBox 14
Lecture FlyersBox 14
Publicity 1977-1978Box 15
Publicity 1978-1980Box 15
Publicity 1980-1983Box 15
Publicity 1984Box 15
Publicity 1985Box 15
Publicity 1986-1987Box 15
Publicity 1987-1988Box 15
Publicity and Thank You Letters 1989 [2 Folders]Box 15
Publicity and Thank You Letters 1990-1991 [2 Folders]Box 15
Publicity and Thank You Letters 1991-1992 [2 Folders]Box 15
Publicity and Thank You Letters 1992-1993Box 15
Publicity and Thank You Letters 1995-1996 [2 Folders]Box 15
Publicity 1996Box 15
Publicity 1996-1997 [2 Folders]Box 15
Publicity 1998-1999Box 15
Publicity and Thank You Letters 1999Box 15
World History Lecture Series 1991-1994Box 15
Miscellaneous Program Documents
Archaeology of the Holy Land Pamphlet, circa 1960sBox 15
Lecture Promoting State Grant Programs, circa 1960sBox 15

Project Practicum (inclusive: 1971-1973)

Series Description

This series contains correspondence, grant proposals, reports, class schedules, notes, press releases, and unit resources related to the Project Practicum program. Folders are arranged in chronological order.

General Grant Correspondence and Proposals, 1970-1973Box 15
Original Ideas and Proposals for the Program 1971Box 15
Correspondence with the Penn Office of Research Administration 1971Box 15
Advertisement for Part-Time Project Aids 1971Box 15
National Endowment for the Humanities Correspondence and Grant Applications, 1971-1972Box 15
Project Class Schedules, 1971-1972Box 15
Correspondence with High Schools, 1971-1972Box 15
Inuit Program 1971Box 15
Correspondence with Comptroller's Office 1972Box 15
Interim and Final Expenditure Reports to the National Endowment for the Humanities, 1972-1973Box 15
Budget and Expenses, 1972-1973Box 15
Thai Programs 1972Box 15
Kwakiutl Programs 1972Box 15
Afghan Rug Weaving Practicum, 1972-1973Box 15
Chopi Programs, 1972-1973Box 15

Performing Arts, Ethnic Arts, and National Cultures Programs (bulk: Bulk, 1972-1976) (inclusive: 1960-1990)

Series Description

This series consists of materials related to the Performing Arts, Ethnic Arts, and National Cultures programs. These materials are divided among four subseries. The first subseries, Activities and Press Clippings consists of correspondence, planning notes, publicity, invitations, schedules,and memoranda related to the general activities of the Performing Arts, Ethnic Arts, and National Cultures programs. These materials are arranged in chronological order. These materials are arranged in chronological order. The second subseries, Grant Applications, consists of applications for grants from various organizations and associated correspondence. The materials in this subseries are arranged in chronological order. The third subseries, Programs by Nation or Ethnic Group, contains correspondence, publicity, and notes related to particular national cultures and ethnic programs. The final subseries, General Correspondence, contains general department correspondence and the correspondence of individuals related to the three programs.

General Activities and Press Clippings
Dance Program Correspondence, Publicity and Performance Outlines, 1972-1978Box 15
Musical Instrument Collection and Concert Correspondence, 1973-1975Box 15
Ethnic Bazaar Invitations 1973Box 16
General Activities of the Performing Arts, Ethnic Arts, and National Cultures Programs, 1973-1976Box 16
National Cultures Program Activities Schedules, 1974-1976Box 16
General Press Releases and Clippings, 1974-1975Box 16
Correspondence and Publicity about the National Cultures Program's Bicentennial Events, 1975-1976Box 16
Memorandum about Deaccessioning the Musical Instrument Collection 1990Box 16
Grant Applications
Private Foundations 1973Box 16
The National Endowment for the Humanities 1974Box 16
The National Endowment for the Arts 1974Box 16
The U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare 1974-1975Box 16
The Pennsylvania Council of the Arts 1975Box 16
Correspondence and Memoranda Concerning Grant Applications 1975Box 16

Museum on the Go (inclusive: 1973-2000)

Series Description

This series consists of the following three subseries of folders that relate to the Museum on the Go program (also called the Mobile Guides program): Administrative, Course Materials, and Development.

The first subseries, Administrative, contains correspondence, by-laws, press releases, press clippings, meeting minutes, reports, and membership lists for the Museum on the Go program. Folders in this subseries are arranged in chronological order.

The second subseries, Course Materials, contains correspondence, lectures, classroom activities, teaching aids, and artifact lists related to the mobile guides' Classical, Egypt, and Woodland Indian educational courses. Folders in this subseries are arranged in alphabetical order.

The third subseries, Development, contains correspondence, reference resources, and grant applications related to the mobile guides' efforts to obtain funding for the Museum on the Go program. Folders in this subseries are arranged in chronological order.

Lists of Mobile Guides, 1973-2000Box 16
News Releases, 1974-1983Box 16
Corrrespondence with Alumni Groups, 1974-1981Box 17
Museum on the Go and University of Pennsylvania Publications, 1975-1989Box 17
Correspondence with Newspapers, 1975-1983Box 17
Meeting Minutes, 1976-1983Box 17
By-Laws of the Mobile Guides 1977Box 17
Annual Report 1978Box 17
Volunteer Hours Tally Sheet, 1978-1979Box 17
Guide Reading List 1979Box 17
Questionnaire for Mobile Guides, circa late 1970s-1980sBox 17
Fundraising Party-Lecture-Food Sampling 1983Box 17
Meeting Attendance and Minutes, 1983-1990Box 17
Annual Report 1983Box 17
Adopt-A-School Certificates for Mobile Guides 1988Box 17
Press Releases and Clippings, 1989-1994Box 17
Review of the Museum on the Go Program 1990Box 17
General Correspondence, 1990-1992Box 17
Meeting Minutes, Reports, and Procedures, 1990-1994Box 17
Guide Scheduling ProceduresBox 17
Guidelines for Faculty Meeting PresentationsBox 17
Course Materials
Classical: Artifact Lists, 1978-1979Box 17
Classical: Brochure, circa 1970s-1980sBox 17
Classical: Costume Descriptions, circa 1970s-1980sBox 17
Classical: Course Book, circa 1970s-1980sBox 17
Classical: Memos and Correspondence, 1978-1981Box 17
Classical: Poster Descriptions, circa 1970s-1980sBox 17
Classical: Suggested Classroom Activities, circa 1970s-1980sBox 17
Egypt: Artifact Lists, 1975-1982Box 17
Egypt: Clothing Descriptions, 1975-1988Box 17
Egypt: Suggested Classroom Activities, 1974-1975Box 17
Woodland Indian: Artifact Lists, 1972-1975Box 17
Woodland Indian: Lenape Presentation and Article, circa 1970s-1980sBox 17
Woodland Indian: Topic Reports, circa 1970s-1980sBox 17
Materials for Grant Writing, 1974-1982Box 17
Development Proposals, 1977-1983Box 17
Development Correspondence, 1978-1983Box 17

Visitor Information Program (V.I.P.) (inclusive: 1987-1994)

Series Description

This series contains meeting minutes and agendas, notes, program proposals, and membership lists related to the Volunteer Information Program (V.I.P.). This series also contains the V.I.P. volunteer information book and lists of museum visitors' questions and concerns for V.I.P. volunteers. Folders are arranged in chronological order.

Steering Committee Correspondence, Meeting Minutes, Proposals, and Decisions 1987Box 17
Volunteer Information Book 1987Box 17
Membership Lists 1987-1988Box 17
Meeting Minutes and Agendas, 1987-1994Box 17
Museum Visitors' Questions and Concerns for V.I.P. Volunteers 1988-1989Box 17

Publications (inclusive: 1941-1993)

Series Description

This series contains the publications of the Education Department and Education Department personnel. Materials in this series are divided between two subseries and the folders within each subseries are arranged in chronological order.

The first subseries, Newsletters, contains copies of newsletters published by the Education Department. Copies of newsletter are stored in the Penn Museum Archives' oversize drawers. Copies of , , , and the Mobile Guides' Newsletters are stored with the Museum Archives' collection of Miscellaneous Publications.

The second subseries, Other Publication Materials, contains academic articles drafted by Education Department personnel and correspondence concerning the publications of the Education Department and its personnel. The materials in this subseries are stored with the rest of the Education Department collection.

Some of the original ink drawings used in the Education Department's publications are filed under the series called, Visual Materials, under the subseries called, Drawings.

, 1930-1932Drawer P-7
Newsletters, 1958-1971Box Misc. Pub. 4
, 1961-1972Box Misc. Pub. 2
, 1973-1977Box Misc. Pub. 4
[2 Folders], Fall 1973-Summer 1978; 1980Box Misc. Pub. 4
and Newsletters [3 Folders], 1975-1988Box Misc. Pub. 4
Other Publication Materials
: Correspondence and Critical Reviews, 1941-1942Box 17
Articles Drafted by Eleanor Moore, 1944-1951Box 17
Volume 12, Numbers 1-2 and Related Correspondence 1946Box 17
Articles Drafted by Kenneth Matthews, 1953-1962Box 17
Draft ArticlesBox 17

Visual Materials (inclusive: 1930-1980)

Series Description

The materials in this series are divided among the following two subseries: Photographs and Drawings The materials in these subseries are separated from the rest of the Education Department Collection. The folders within each subseries are arranged in chronological order.

The first subseries, Photographs, contains photographs and photograph albums related to a wide range of Education Department programs. The bulk of the materials in this subseries is stored with the Penn Museum Archives' photographs collection.

The second subseries, Drawings, contains original ink drawings that were used for or related to Education Department programs. In the Education Department finding aid, are grouped into thematic folders and listed individually. The drawings are stored separately from the rest of the collection in the archives' oversize drawers.

Album of Central American, South American, and Asian Photographs Sold at the Education Sales Desk, circa 1930s?Oversize Photo Albums Cabinet
Album of Oceanian and African Photographs Sold at the Education Sales Desk, circa 1930s?Oversize Photo Albums Cabinet
School Museum Program, circa 1930sBox SSP MU15
House Models, circa 1930sBox SSP MU15
W.P.A. Programs, circa 1930sBox SSP MU15
Children's Craft Projects, circa 1930s-1950sBox SSP MU15
Children Participating in Crafts Workshops [2 Folders], 1934-1939; circa 1950s-1970sBox SSP MU15
Gallery Lectures, circa 1930s-1970sBox SSP MU15
Game Club, circa 1940s-1950sBox SSP MU15
Radio and Television Shows, circa 1940s-1950sBox SSP MU15
School Loans, circa 1940s-1952Box SSP MU15
Student Groups in the Museum, 1940s-1990sBox SSP MU16
Inuit Program 1940Box SSP MU16
Exhibits, 1950-1957Box SSP MU16
Schoolmen's Week, 1951, 1953, 1954Box SSP MU16
Cultural Performances at the Museum, 1954-1955Box SSP MU16
Latin Week and Latin Rally, 1954, 1955, 1958, 1963Box SSP MU16
Bryn Mawr Production of the 1959Box SSP MU16
Junior Members Mask Party 1964Box SSP MU16
Junior Members Visit to Blue Anchor Excavation 1971Box SSP MU16
Project Practicum Programs, 1972-1973Box SSP MU16
Ethnic Arts and National Cultures Programs, circa 1970sBox SSP MU16
Museum on the Go Program, 1972-1975Box SSP MU16
State Grant Programs, circa mid-1970s-1999Box SSP MU16
Nevil Gallery 1975Box SSP MU16
Volunteer Guides 1988Box SSP MU16
Marionette ShowBox SSP MU16
Miscellaneous, circa 1940s-1980sBox SSP MU16
Drawings for Junior Members Notices
Cupids Forging Horseshoes 1928Folder P-6-2
House of Kurnak 1928Folder P-6-2
Studio of Shigimasa 1929Folder P-6-2
House Model Drawings
Two Blueprints for the Babylonian House Model, circa 1930sFolder M-5-8
Three Ink Drawings of the Babylonian House Models, circa 1930sFolder M-5-8
One Ink Drawing of the Roman House Model, circa 1930sFolder M-5-8
Roman House Model Publicity Ink Drawing, circa 1930sFolder P-6-3
Other Drawings
Four Sakar and the Crocodile Drawings, circa 1930s-1940sFolder P-6-1
Ink on Board Benin Scene 1927Folder P-6-4
Ink on Board Central Asian Music and Dancing 1927Folder P-6-4
Ink on Board American Indian Child Letter Head Decoration, circa 1920s-1930sFolder P-6-4
Donkey and Bear on Bull Harp, circa 1930s-1940sFolder P-6-6
Diamond Pattern, circa 1930s-1940sFolder P-6-6
Gazelle and Diamonds, circa 1930s and 1940sFolder P-6-6
Mayan Leader in a Sedan Chair, circa 1930s-1940sFolder P-6-6
One Bird, circa 1930s-1940sFolder P-6-6
Two Drawings of a Group of Three Birds, circa 1930s-1940sFolder P-6-6
Greek Lancer, circa 1930s-1940sFolder P-6-6
Bison, circa 1930s-1940sFolder P-6-6
Man Leading a Tiger with a Leash, circa 1930s-1940sFolder P-6-6
Horus in a Boat, circa 1930s-1940sFolder P-6-6
Three Camels, circa 1930s-1940sFolder P-6-6
Minoan with a Dog on a Leash, circa 1930s-1940sFolder P-6-6
Plains American Indians Fighting on Horseback, circa 1930s-1940sFolder P-6-6
Reproduction of a Maya Codex, [Undated]Folder P-6-7
Six Ink on Board Drawings of Near Eastern People in Ancient Houses, circa 1930s-1940sFolder P-6-8
Ink on Board Ram, circa 1930s-1940sFolder P-6-8
Ink on Board of a Mesoamerican Monkey in the Letter Q, circa 1930s-1940sFolder P-6-8

Reference Files

Series Description

This series contains collections of reference materials concerning subjects taught by the Education Department. Materials in this collection include mounted photos, drawings, printed illustrations, lecture notes, activity sheets, and lectures. Folders are separated into two subseries and are arranged alphabetically within each subseries.

The first subseries, Gallery Guides, contains materials that were found by archival processors in three ring binders and belonged to clearly labeled collections of reference sources.

The second subseries, Other Reference Files, contains reference materials that were found loose by archival processors or were filed in folders.

Gallery Guides
Central and South America, circa 1940sBox 17
China #1, circa 1940sBox 17
China #2 [2 Folders]Box 17
China #3Box 17
Egypt #1ABox 18
Egypt #1BBox 18
Egypt #2Box 18
Egypt #3Box 18
Egypt #4Box 18
Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greek and Roman LifeBox 18
The Eskimo [2 Folders]Box 18
Gallery Notes - Education [2 Folders]Box 18
Greek Life #1Box 18
Greek Life #2Box 18
Greek Life #3Box 18
Greek Gallery/Roman Gallery [2 Folders]Box 18
History of Clothing #1 [2 Folders]Box 18
History of Clothing #2Box 18
History of MedicineBox 18
History of Records #1 [2 Folders]Box 18
History of Records #2Box 18
Janet Cuyler Newlin Lecture Notebook [2 Folders]Box 18
Mesopotamia [2 Folders]Box 18
Mesopotamian Gallery [4 Folders]Box 18
Middle American Indians #1Box 19
Middle American Indians #2Box 19
Middle American Indian GalleryBox 19
Musical Instruments (1 of 3)Box 19
Musical Instruments (2 of 3)Box 19
Musical Instruments (3 of 3)Box 19
North American IndiansBox 19
North American Indians #1ABox 19
North American Indians #1BBox 19
North American Indians #2Box 19
North American Indians #3Box 19
North American Indians #4 [2 Folders]Box 19
OceaniaBox 19
Roman Life #1Box 19
Roman Life #2 [2 Folders]Box 19
South AmericaBox 19
South American Indian Gallery [2 Folders]Box 19
Syria, Palestine, and BabyloniaBox 19
Tropical LifeBox 19
Woodland IndiansBox 19
Miscellaneous Notes #1 [2 Folders]Box 19
Miscellaneous Notes #2 [2 Folders]Box 19
Miscellaneous Notes #3Box 19
Miscellaneous Notes #4Box 19
Other Reference Files
Africa CollectionBox 19
Information about Overseas Excavations and Native AmericansBox 19
Notes About The BushongoBox 20
The CrusadesBox 20
Dating Techniques Handbook 1977Box 20
EgyptBox 20
Gallery NoteBook: Mediterranean SectionBox 20
Guatemalan Pottery TourBox 20
Highlights of the MuseumBox 20
Hygiene and Medicine Lecture Notes c. 1940Box 20
IranBox 20
Lenape NotesBox 20
The Loom in Ancient PeruBox 20
Notes on Greek Pottery [2 Folders]Box 20
Notes on MesopotamiaBox 20
Notes on Roman LifeBox 20
Notes on WritingBox 20
Origin of Musical InstrumentsBox 20
Summary of Museum Excavations at Ur 1922-1934Box 20
Sample of Reference Files from 1918-1976 RecordsBox 20

Miscellaneous (inclusive: 1936-1998)

Series Description

This series contains documents that seem unrelated to any of the major functions and activities of the Education Department between 1919 and 2002. Folders are arranged in chronological order.

Publication Excerpts, Quotations, and Press Clippings, 1936-1951Box 20
History of the University Museum, circa 1940sBox 20
Ideas and Resources for Prospective Programs, 1943-1949Box 20
Eleanor Moore's Lectures to Groups Outside of the Museum, 1947-1950Box 20
Philadelphia Board of Education: Meeting Notes and Correspondence, 1947-1952Box 20
Use of Museum Properties in Print Advertisements, circa late 1940sBox 20
Useful Ideas for the Education Department 1951Box 20
Women's Committee Trips with Kenneth Matthews, 1965-1972Box 20
Kress Wing Construction: Correspondence, Meeting Minutes, and Planning Notes, 1966-1967Box 20
Education Department Brochure Development, 1979-1993Box 20
Centennial Exhibition Committee Notes and Correspondence 1983Box 20
Committtee for the Handicapped: Correspondence, Meeting Notes, and Brochures, 1984-1987Box 20
Outline of Museum Resources Available to Teachers 1988Box 20
Institute for the Academic Advancement of Youth: Correspondence and Conference Information, 1997-1998Box 20
Egyptian House Plan and Paper FiguresBox 20
List of General Museum Research ServicesBox 20
Maya-Themed LabelsBox 20
Nubian Slide LectureBox 20
Pueblo, Roman, and African House PlansBox 20

Ink on Board Drawings for (inclusive: 1930-1932)

Container: Folder P-1-2

Egyptian Procession for Volume 1, Number 1 1930Folder P-1-2
M.L. Baker Drawing for Volume 1, Number 1 1930Folder P-6-5
American Indian Rower for Volume 1, Number 2 1930Folder P-6-5
American Indian Woman and Two Children for Volume 1, Number 2 1930Folder P-6-5
"Tail Piece" for Volume 1, Number 2 1930Folder P-6-5
Small Sun for Volume 1, Number 2 1930Folder P-6-5
Small Sun for the Envelope of Volume 1, Number 2 1930Folder P-6-5
Pelops and Hippodamia for Volume 1, Number 3 1931Folder P-6-5
Charioteer with a Spear for Volume 1, Number 3 1931Folder P-6-5
Small Chariot for the Envelope of Volume 1, Number 3 1931Folder P-6-5
Tezcatlipoca for Volume 1, Number 4 1931Folder P-6-5
Fish for Volume 1, Number 4 1931Folder P-6-5
Quetzalcoatl for Volume 1, Number 4 1931Folder P-6-5
"W" Bird for Volume 1, Number 5 1931Folder P-6-5
African Mask and Bird for Volume 1, Number 5 1931Folder P-6-5
African Cow and Leopard for Volume 1, Number 5 1931Folder P-6-5
Two Monkeys for Volume 1, Number 5 1931Folder P-6-5
Sitting King for Volume 1, Number 5 1931Folder P-6-5
Two Men, a Sword, and a Dog for Volume 1, Number 5 1931Folder P-6-5
Archers in a Tower for Volume 1, Number 6 1931Folder P-6-5
Archer for Envelope of The Spade Volume 1, Number 6 1931Folder P-6-5
Chariot in a Boat for Volume 1, Number 6 1931Folder P-6-5
Worshippers Presenting a Lamb for Volume 1, Number 6 1931Folder P-6-5
Two Musicians for Volume 2, Number 5 1932Folder P-6-5

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