

From: Egypt | Sedment

Curatorial Section: Egyptian

Object Number E14319
Current Location Collections Storage
Provenience Egypt | Sedment
Period New Kingdom | Eighteenth Dynasty
Date Made 1539- 1292 BCE
Section Egyptian
Materials Limestone
Inscription Language Hieroglyphic

Lower part. For the "God's Father of Herishef, Amenemhet" who was a priestly official of the god Herishef. In the vignette at the sides the relatives, friends and a servant of the decieased make offerings of flowers, geese, and cattle to him. The central text which is continued on the base of the stela contains a hymn to the god Re and a prayer invoking Herishef, "the lord of Herakleopolis, the king of heaven, and rurler of the stars" to grant Amen-em-hat effectiveness in heaven, strength on earth, triumph in the necropolis, and rebirth afterwards." It concludes with the wish that the deceased shall "eat your fruit as you will, according to your custom when you were on earth...You shall not be driven away from the great place, O god's father of Herishef, Amen-em-hat deceased, whom the judge and mayor of the southern lake Itunma begot and whom the mistress of the house Maket bore".

Credit Line Distribution from the British School of Archaeology in Egypt, 1921

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