Search Collections
- Object[1,077]
- no[1,077]
- american[1,077]
- adze[9]
- adze blade[4]
- adze blade fragment[1]
- adze haft[1]
- adze head[1]
- adze point[1]
- amulet box[1]
- animal bone[6]
- animal tooth[1]
- antler[6]
- antler fragment[1]
- antler tip[1]
- arrow foreshaft[2]
- arrowhead[10]
- articulation[4]
- awl[36]
- awl point[11]
- barb[3]
- bead[11]
- bird bone[4]
- blade[49]
- blade fragment[13]
- bone[28]
- bone fragment[3]
- box latch[2]
- button[3]
- carving[2]
- chip[13]
- chisel[6]
- dart[2]
- dart head[3]
- dart point[12]
- doll[3]
- drill[2]
- fish hook[15]
- flint flaker[2]
- foreshaft[3]
- fragment[12]
- grinding stone[3]
- hammerstone[6]
- handle[2]
- harpoon head[11]
- ivory[2]
- knife[29]
- labret[9]
- lamp[4]
- lance blade[2]
- lance point[6]
- mask part[10]
- mirror[6]
- model[3]
- mounting[2]
- needle[11]
- needle case[5]
- object[28]
- pebble[5]
- peg[2]
- pendant[2]
- pestle[2]
- pin[5]
- planing adze[3]
- planing adze blade[2]
- point[132]
- polisher[2]
- pounding stone[6]
- pumice[4]
- quiver[2]
- red shale[5]
- rib[9]
- ring[7]
- rod[3]
- scapula[2]
- scraper[16]
- sherd[5]
- shoulder blade[3]
- sinker[224]
- slab[6]
- slate[10]
- slate fragment[37]
- socket piece[2]
- splinter[2]
- splitting adze[26]
- spoon[3]
- stone[2]
- throwing stone[10]
- toggle[2]
- tooth[2]
- toy[6]
- tube[3]
- ulo[12]
- ulu[2]
- ulu blade[24]
- ulu blade fragment[5]
- ulu fragment[3]
- weapon head[2]
- wedge[20]
- whale bone[5]
- whale rib[2]
- whetstone[19]
- whetstone fragment[2]
- alaganik[2]
- alaska[1,068]
- anderson bay[7]
- angiartunit[3]
- angiluk[4]
- anvik[1]
- aurora (alaska)[13]
- aurora spit[12]
- axlatuliq[8]
- bainbridge island[3]
- bear cove[1]
- big cave[1]
- blackburn[1]
- blackburn slough[1]
- boswell bay[2]
- busby beach[1]
- chenega village[1]
- chiktaruik[5]
- china poot bay[3]
- chistochina[1]
- cook inlet[580]
- copper river[2]
- copper river valley[1]
- cordova[1]
- cordova bay[1]
- cottonwood creek (alaska)[4]
- cottonwood creek (alaska)[293]
- east beach[5]
- ellamar[1]
- fox farm[7]
- frank fox's place[13]
- galena bay[3]
- grass island[1]
- grassy island[1]
- halibut cove[66]
- hawkins cut-off[7]
- hawkins island[25]
- hinchinbrook island[19]
- holy cross[13]
- indian island[2]
- ishmailoff island[66]
- jakolof bay[1]
- kachemak bay[567]
- kashim[6]
- kateel[6]
- kiniklik[1]
- knight island[2]
- kongoqrli[3]
- koyukuk river[6]
- kustatan[1]
- kustatan/west foreland[7]
- long bay[5]
- lower yukon river valley[15]
- makaka point[1]
- middle yukon valley[7]
- mummy island[7]
- new midden[1]
- nuchek[1]
- nunakchuk[7]
- nunaktuk island[1]
- nunivak island[11]
- old town[2]
- paingwashaq[1]
- palu:tat[1]
- palugvik village[18]
- point whitshed radio station[3]
- port graham[1]
- prince william sound[81]
- qreyagwik[3]
- rock shelter[2]
- seldovia[2]
- seldovia bay[1]
- sheep bay[2]
- swanson creek[2]
- tanana (alaska)[1]
- tauxtvik[3]
- tutka bay[1]
- united states of america[1,055]
- upernavik[1]
- uqshitoq[2]
- waterbury's place[1]
- west beach[20]
- west foreland[1]
- west greenland[1]
- wunqra[11]
- yakutat bay[2]
- yukon island[544]
- athapaskan[8]
- chugach[2]
- eskimo[1,077]
- eyak[11]
- kachemak bay culture iii[7]
- kachemak bay culture sub-iii[1]
- prehistoric eskimo[1]
- 1 k 11', under grinding stone and log in house corner, ii[13]
- 1 k 4' 8", ii[3]
- 1 k 7', ii[4]
- 1 l 10' 6", ii, house[3]
- 2 ' below surface.[6]
- 2 d, 1' - 1' 6", viii (ix)[3]
- 2 d, 1' 6" - 2', vii or viii[8]
- 2 d, 3' - 3' 6", vii[3]
- 2 d, 5' 8" - 6' 2", vii[3]
- 2 e, 1' - 1' 6", viii (ix?)[4]
- 2 e, 2' - 2' 6", viii (ix)[5]
- 2 e, 2' - 2' 6", viii (ix?)[4]
- 2 e, 2' 6" - 3', vii[7]
- 2 e, 2' 6" - 3', viii (ix?)[3]
- 2 f 5' 6", iv -- all found within 6 inches of each other in dark, hearthy earth[12]
- 2 f, 2' 6" - 3', viii (ix?)[3]
- 2 f, 3' - 3' 6", viii (ix?)[4]
- 2 f, 3' 6" - 4', viii (ix?)[4]
- 2 f, 4' - 4' 6", viii (ix?)[3]
- 2 f, 4' - 4' 6", viii or ix[3]
- 2 g or 2 f, surface - 3', viii-x[5]
- 2 g, 2' - 2' 6", viii (ix?)[3]
- 2 g, 3' 6" - 4', vii or viii[5]
- 2 g, 4' - 4' 8", vi or vii[5]
- 2 g, surface - 1' 6", viii to x[4]
- 2 l 7', ii[6]
- 2 m 6' 6", ii[4]
- 2 m 7', ii[3]
- 2 m 8', floor of house, ii[3]
- 2' 6" - 3', ix[4]
- 2d, 1'6" - 2', vii or viii[6]
- 2d, 6" -1', viii (ix)[5]
- 2e, 6" -1', viii (ix)[4]
- 2f, 1'9" - 2'3", viii, ix or x[3]
- 2f, 3'6" - 4', viii (ix?)[3]
- 2g, 3' - 3'6", vii or viii[6]
- 3 ' below surface.[3]
- 3 e 4' 9", iii[4]
- 3 f 6' 6", iv[7]
- 3 h 3', x[5]
- 3 l 3', vii[3]
- 3 l 4', vii[3]
- 3 l 5', v[3]
- 3 l 6', v[3]
- 3 l 7', ii[4]
- 3 m 5', v[3]
- 3 m 8', ii[3]
- 3 x 5'[7]
- 4 ' below surface.[3]
- 4 1/2 ' below surface.[3]
- 4 x 3'[3]
- 4 x 3', yellow layer[3]
- 5 ' below surface.[5]
- 6' - 8'[4]
- a, surface to 6", ix[9]
- b, 1' 9" - 2', ix[4]
- b, 2' - 2'6", ix[5]
- beach[7]
- beach.[11]
- c or d, surface to 3', vii to ix[3]
- c, 2' 3" - 2' 9", ix[13]
- c, 2' 6" - 3', ix[3]
- c, 3' - 3' 9", vii[4]
- c, 3' 9" - 4' 3", vii[5]
- c, surface to 6", ix[6]
- d, 1' - 2', viii or ix[5]
- d, 2'6" - 3', vii[3]
- d, 3' - 3' 6", vii[5]
- d, 4' 9" - 5' 3", vii[3]
- d, 5' 3" - 5' 9", vi and vii[3]
- d, 6" - 1', viii or ix[3]
- d, 6' - 6'6", vi[3]
- e, 1'3" - 1'9", viii[3]
- e, 1'9" - 2', viii[3]
- e, 2' 6" - 2' 9", vii[3]
- e, 3' 10" - 4' 4", vii[3]
- e, 4'9" - 5'6", vi[4]
- entrance to halibut cove[3]
- f, 2' - 2' 6", viii[4]
- f, 2' 6" - 3' 3", vii ?[3]
- f, 4' 8" - 5' 4", vi[3]
- f, 6' 6" - 7' 3", iii[10]
- f, 6' 6" - 7' 4", iii[3]
- found on beach.[8]
- g, 6' 6" - 7' 3", iii[5]
- g, 8' 6" - 9' 3", i-ii[5]
- g, 9' 6" - 10', i[4]
- h, 2' - 2' 6", vi[6]
- h, 5' 6" - 6' 3", vi (iii)[3]
- h, 6" - 1', vi[4]
- h, 6' - 7' 3", iii[3]
- h, 6'3" - 6'9", iii[4]
- h, 7' 3" - 7' 9", iii[9]
- h, ca. 10', i[4]
- hole ii[7]
- house ruin above second bench above cannery.[7]
- midden.[4]
- pit 3[9]
- point west of entrance to halibut cove[40]
- point west of entrance to halibut cove, old midden in front of more recent house[4]
- animal bone[7]
- animal tooth[1]
- antler[51]
- augite granite[1]
- basalt[1]
- bear bone[4]
- bear gutskin[1]
- birch bark[1]
- birchbark[1]
- bird bone[59]
- bone[242]
- caribou bone[4]
- caribou skin[1]
- ceramic[8]
- chert[5]
- clay[10]
- claystone[3]
- coal[1]
- copper[1]
- cotton[1]
- dart[1]
- dentalium shell[1]
- diabase[6]
- diorite[3]
- dolorite[14]
- feather[10]
- felsite[4]
- felspar porphyry[1]
- fish bone[1]
- flint[8]
- fur[1]
- glass[1]
- granite[4]
- graywacke[2]
- greenstone[19]
- ground stone[1]
- gutskin[1]
- gypsum[3]
- hair[7]
- hematite[1]
- iron[1]
- ivory[24]
- labret[1]
- marble (stone)[1]
- metal[1]
- moose bone[1]
- ochre[10]
- oil shale[2]
- paint[11]
- porcupine tooth[1]
- pumice[4]
- quartz[3]
- quartzite[1]
- red shale[6]
- sandstone[13]
- schist[4]
- seal bone[4]
- shale[21]
- shell[3]
- sinew[11]
- slate[180]
- soot[10]
- steel[3]
- stone[301]
- string[1]
- syenite[1]
- tooth[3]
- walrus bone[1]
- whale bone[31]
- wood[23]
801 - 832 of 1,077 Records
801 - 832 of 1,077 Records