Search Collections
- Object[1,554]
- no[1,554]
- bag[1]
- band[23]
- band fragment[1]
- belt[1]
- border[105]
- burka[1]
- clavus[2]
- cloth[15]
- cloth fragment[47]
- crepe[1]
- doll[1]
- fringe[3]
- fur[1]
- garment[2]
- gauze[3]
- handira[1]
- head band[1]
- head cloth[3]
- headband[18]
- lace[1]
- leather[1]
- loin cloth[30]
- mummy wrapping[1]
- plant fiber[1]
- poncho[1]
- poncho fragment[2]
- pouch[7]
- pouch band[7]
- pouch fragment[5]
- scarf[1]
- shawl[1]
- shroud[1]
- sling fragment[1]
- stuff[3]
- tapestry[2]
- tassel[1]
- textile fragment[1,554]
- trousering[4]
- tunic[4]
- twine[1]
- wood[1]
- above lima[1]
- ancon[9]
- arizona[2]
- belgian congo[1]
- beneath the temple[45]
- cajamarquilla[1]
- canyon[1]
- caudivilla[19]
- chancay[1]
- chihuahua[1]
- chile[2]
- china[2]
- chira valley[7]
- club hipico cemetery[4]
- colorado[2]
- dendereh[1]
- eastern province[1]
- egypt[100]
- fayum[53]
- found in a house[41]
- gallatin county[1]
- gdovsk county[3]
- gravefield i[241]
- gravefield i, oldest part[44]
- gravefield i, west part[4]
- gravefield i, younger part[15]
- gravefield ii[82]
- gravefield iii[15]
- great basin (culture area)[1]
- hacienda warangal[117]
- hasanlu[1]
- hawara[1]
- huaca el palmo[7]
- huaca paraiso[82]
- huacho[53]
- illinois[1]
- india[1]
- iran[13]
- japan[12]
- kyoto[1]
- la centinela[125]
- lima[1]
- lurin valley[11]
- marques[21]
- mexico (central america)[1]
- meydum[7]
- middle atlas[1]
- morocco[1]
- moscow region[1]
- nazca[6]
- near wall niche[6]
- new mexico[2]
- northwest of the town[46]
- nubia[4]
- ohio[3]
- oshima[2]
- pachacamac[911]
- pachacamac house[1]
- paracas peninsula[1]
- paraiso[2]
- persia[5]
- peru[1,373]
- peru, central coast[22]
- pisco province[2]
- province of huarochiri[1]
- puntilla[2]
- quintay[53]
- rayy[12]
- recuay[16]
- russia[4]
- ryukyu islands[2]
- southwest colorado[1]
- st. petersburg (russia)[1]
- st. petersburg government[2]
- sudan[1]
- sun temple[2]
- surat[1]
- tacna[4]
- tacna-arica[5]
- tacna-para area[3]
- tacna-para small cemetery[6]
- town[104]
- trujillo[13]
- united states of america[6]
- utah[2]
- wood county[1]
- zaire[1]
- rayy[12]
- byzantine[1]
- chincha-atacamene[1]
- coptic[2]
- fourth dynasty[7]
- graeco-roman period[2]
- incasic period[5]
- islamic[1]
- middle period[1]
- modern[1]
- old kingdom[7]
- pre-columbian[1]
- prehistoric[3]
- qing dynasty[1]
- ait hashem[1]
- atacameno[12]
- buddhist[1]
- chincha[4]
- chinese[2]
- coptic[1]
- epigonal[1]
- graeco-roman[1]
- huari style[1]
- inca[2]
- indian[2]
- japanese[10]
- late chimu[1]
- late pre-inca[2]
- mound culture[3]
- nasca[2]
- navajo[1]
- paracas[1]
- persian[5]
- pre-columbian[2]
- precolumbian[2]
- proto-nasca[1]
- ryukyuan[2]
- slavic[4]
- tiahuanaco[1]
- "island of patco"[1]
- "supplement to pachacamac". found on ground[1]
- 8:850.8[1]
- at the entrance to the seaward opening valley of marques (watered by the river of chillon)[1]
- at the entrance to the seaward opening valley of marques (watered by the river of chillon).[18]
- belonged to an old mummy[1]
- burial 16[2]
- cemetary north of town[1]
- cemetery north of town[1]
- coast of middle peru[1]
- covered in recent time. from a mummy[11]
- covered in recent time. from a mummy.[1]
- covered in recent times.[1]
- eastern foot[1]
- found in a house[1]
- found in an attempted excavation in a house[1]
- found in an excavation near the place of 32453[3]
- found in mass of mastaba 17[3]
- found on another house[1]
- found on the ground[24]
- found on the ground of the cemetery[1]
- found with a mummy[2]
- found with a mummy interred very deep.[1]
- found with the mummy from the lower story (mummy went to pieces)[1]
- found with two poor mummies (one of a child) among a magazine-like accumulation of mummies.[1]
- from a loosened soil[1]
- from a mummy[34]
- from a mummy bale.[1]
- from a mummy buried deep[2]
- from a mummy buried deep.[1]
- from a mummy.[3]
- from a tomb[2]
- from recess in ranefir's tomb[2]
- from the loosened soil[17]
- from the loosened soil.[1]
- from the loosened soil. found on the ground[2]
- from the north-eastern front of the temple of pachacamaj; from a tomb below the foremost temple wall.[1]
- grave 12[1]
- grave 14[1]
- grave 20[1]
- grave 31[1]
- grave 33[1]
- grave 35[1]
- grave 42[3]
- grave 44; from a child's mummy.[1]
- grave 45[2]
- in an attempted excavation in a house[1]
- kurgan[2]
- later excavation at marques, in the northern corner of the valley[9]
- mound [uncertain][2]
- near marca[1]
- obtained at lima[1]
- obtained at lurin[1]
- obtained at mamacona[1]
- obtained at san pedro[1]
- on the left of the road from chuquitanta to marques, near to the stream chillon[55]
- on the left of the road from chuquitanta to marques, near to the stream chillon.[1]
- perhaps from the same locality as b, obtained later on[1]
- point "r"[19]
- probably from a mummy[1]
- slavic kurgan xvii, burial 1[1]
- tombs[1]
- village dubroshnino[2]
- wall niche in house[2]
- zalahnov cemetery[1]
- animal[1]
- bird[16]
- bird head[1]
- birds[8]
- cat head[7]
- cuttlefish[1]
- deer[1]
- dragon[1]
- figures[1]
- fish[19]
- flaming pearl[1]
- floral[1]
- flowers[1]
- geometric motif[1]
- human figure[5]
- human figure?[1]
- human figures[3]
- hunter[1]
- leaf[1]
- lobster[1]
- lotus flower[1]
- monkey[1]
- mythology[1]
- octopus[1]
- phoenix[1]
- scorpion[1]
- spider[1]
- vase[1]
- zoomorphic[3]
- zoomorphic?[1]
- bobbin weave[6]
- brocade[11]
- brocaded[15]
- crepe[1]
- double ikat[2]
- dyed[3]
- embroidered[183]
- gauze[12]
- ikat[1]
- kesi[1]
- kilim[9]
- painted[10]
- tapestry[40]
- tapestry weave[13]
- tie dyed[5]
- woven[66]
1 - 32 of 1,554 Records

1 - 32 of 1,554 Records