Contributor: Clark Erickson

Reinterpreting an Old Dig: Sitio Conte and the Penn Museum thumbnail.

Reinterpreting an Old Dig: Sitio Conte and the Penn Museum

Unlike many other museums, many collections at the Penn Museum were obtained through scientific exca...

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Great Wonders: The Monumental Geoglyphs of Amazonia thumbnail.

Great Wonders: The Monumental Geoglyphs of Amazonia

Traditionally, the archaeologists have the vast Amazon region of South America to be a cultural back...

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Great Voyages: Thor Heyerdahl and Kon Tiki: A Grand Experiment in Archaeology thumbnail.

Great Voyages: Thor Heyerdahl and Kon Tiki: A Grand Experiment in Archaeology

Scholars have long debated the possibility of long distance travel between continents and its impact...

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Overturning of Space and Time: The End of the Inca Empire thumbnail.

Overturning of Space and Time: The End of the Inca Empire

Explore the collapse of the Inca Empire- once the most powerful in the America- caused by civil unre...

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