Ancient Nubia, Egypt’s Rival in Africa (1992)

Category: Educational

Length: 13:22
Film Description Credits: Produced by Penn Museum, Penn Museum Education Department, and Annenberg TV. Narrated by David O’Connor, Egyptian Section Senior Curator. Technical Producer Ellen Reynolds, Graphics Ron Schindlinger, Written and Directed by Michael Wakely.
Funded by Pew Charitable Trusts and NEH
This production was likely shown in the gallery of the exhibit of the same title. There is a mix of live footage taken in modern Sudan and Egypt, maps of the region and delineation of ancient Nubian areas, and footage and stills of ancient artifacts, murals and architecture. The program gives an overview of the history of Nubia and its relationship to Egyptian kingdoms.
“Ancient Nubia: Egypt’s Rival in Africa” Oct 10, 1992–Oct 3, 1993 (extended to Nov 7, 1993)
Video Category Educational