Then and Now: Monuments, Memorials and Public Art

Category: Lecture

Length: 58:01
Video Date 07/07/2021
Film Description As symbols of collective memory, monuments and memorials have had very different meanings to those who erect them and those who inherit them. Complicated, controversial, and often confounding, public art is a tangible part of our public history and our evolving culture. With the onset of a powerful public awakening regarding what and whom we choose to honor, artists and public art are uniquely positioned to reflect and reveal our society and our times.

Penny Balkin Bach is the Executive Director & Chief Curator of the Association for Public Art (aPA, formerly the Fairmount Park Art Association). A curator, writer, and educator who provides artistic direction for the organization, she is well-known for her work with artists and for her innovative approaches to connecting public art with its audiences. She supports the creation of opportunities for new works by artists and creative professionals, promotes the interpretation of art in public spaces, and advocates for the responsible stewardship of public art.
Video Category Lecture

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