Borneo Exhibit

Category: Exhibiton Related

Length: 11:37
Film ID V-320
Film Description This videotape was created to be screened in the 1989 exhibit "The Dayaks, People of the Rainforest" at then University Museum, now the Penn Museum. The exhibit contained artifacts collected by Harrison, Furness and Hiller in the early 1900s


This videotape was created to be screened in the 1989 exhibit "The Dayaks, People of the Rainforest" at then University Museum, now the Penn Museum. The exhibit contained artifacts collected by Harrison, Furness and Hiller in the early 1900s.
Video Category Exhibiton Related
Topics Borneo, Penn Museum, University Museum, Exhibits, Harrison Furness and Hiller expedition, Dayak people, Dayaks

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