Nippur, Part II

Category: Expedition & Excavation Footage

Length: 14:05
Film ID F16-0554
Film Description Unedited
Excavation footage in desert environment.
Originally misidentified as Tell Billa, Iraq, now correctly identified as Nippur by Dr. Eleanor Robson, University College, London.
This mid 20th century phase of the dig was led by the expedition team follows: Field Director: Dr. Donald McCown, Associate Professor of Archaeology of the Oriental Institute Assistant Field Director and Epigrapher: Dr. Francis R. Steele, Assistant Curator of the Babylonian section of the University Museum Anthropologist: Dr. Carleton S. Coon, Curator of Ethnology, University Museum Archaeology Architect: Mr. Joseph Caldwell, Junior Archaeologist of the Smithsonian Institution Mrs. McCown acted as registrar and housekeeper Mrs. Coon helped Mr. Coon and drew pictures of finds. Seyyid Fuad Safar joined as archaeologist of the Directorate General of Antiquities.


Unedited color footage, [1951-1952]
Local Iraqi fieldworkers.
An archaeologist, possibly Dr. McCown, in western dress enters the field work house. A European lady[likely Mrs. McCown] walking around outside.
Workers seated under a tree with bowls containing finds.
The team of archaeologists (awaiting individual identification) leave the field house, pose for the camera.
A river
Tents at the site
Distant view showing dunes.
Sweeping sand.
Archaeology team speaking with local officiates.
Painting a find. in a trench, with chemicals before removal
Remains in a trench.
Skeletal human remains. A grave site.
Marking a site.
Digging in various trenches.
Distant view of a Tell.
Video Category Expedition & Excavation Footage
Topics Fieldwork, Archaeological fieldwork, Nippur, Bashiqa, Iraq, University Museum expeditions, Penn Museum, University Museum.

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