Ethiopia 1969 Reel 1 of 65

Category: Travelogue

Length: 17:52
Film ID F16-0344
Film Description Reel 1 of 65
Unedited travelogue
Addis Abada
Debre Berhan
Robi Village


Reel 1 of 65
Unedited travelogue
Addis Abada
Debre Berhan
Robi Village

Cat. Reel 344 1969: Reel 1 : Ethiopia. March 16-17. Addis Ababa. Debre Berhan. Selassie.Robi. .Kombolcha. Bati.

Turtle outside Monastery of Debre Berhan Selassie.
Log arm chair built right into a tree.
Gravestones with crosses, in a yard.
Insignia on roof of church.
Church (underexposed)
Farming on mountain slopes (10,000 feet): note terraces, soil slippage (pan shot).
Market: bamboo enclosure, low mud-brick, thatched houses.
Beer making materials: wood chips, etc.
Grain storage container: mud-plastered twigs.
Wooden fence.
Bag of charcoal, bundles of split wood for sale.
Charcoal and wood by road, huts: a characteristic scene.
Monday Market (Robi Village): thatched cones protect stored grain.
Flat brown cover for baking bread.
Yards scene: water jug, animal shelter.
Making clay pot (Ethiopians don't use wheel): just a circle of
clay in the straw.
Thatched hut with moveable door.
Working area under awning on side of hut.
Simple stick-frame spindle.
Making a hut: long roof poles, walls not yet mud plastered.
Plowing (near Robi, also known as Garba Guracha): wooden plow, oxen, man in cloth skirt with long
bull whip.
Plow: "tongue and yoke" mechanism, tied by thongs.
En-route, Kombolcha to Bati:
Farming millet on mountainside.
People walking to great Bati market, on desert border (*see K's notes),
Thatched hut being built: thatch grown for that purpose.
People going to market:many carry gourds, umbrellas, pieces of wood.
Mule train. Stone bridge.
Rolled-up hide (cash money).
Market at 9:15 a.m. general view.
Butter in skins for sale.
Butter skins (cu).
Reed material, mats, for sale.
Camel, pole-and-skin carrying saddle.
Hobbled mule or donkey.
Mats. Animal skins. Sandal shoe.
Cow skins (mcu).
Camel market.
Camel, full butter skin in carrying saddle.
Hobbled donkey. Cattle market.
Market, antique gallows: general view.
Plaited, buttered hair (characteristic of 2/3 of the population -
butter halts parasites.)
Video Category Travelogue
Film Creator Watson Kintner
Topics Addis Ababa, Debre Berhan, Selassie, Garba Guracha, Robi Village, Kombolcha, Bati

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