Laos/Cambodia 1957 Reel 23 of 44

Category: Travelogue

Length: 16:36
Film ID F16-0127
Film Description Reel 23 of 44
Unedited travelogue
Luang Prabang, Laos
Mekong River
Angkor Wat, Cambodia
Siem Reap River, Cambodia


Reel 23 of 44
Unedited travelogue
Basket of money.
Market bustling with people.
Girls with colorful scarf.
Three men at market, [mws]
Boats along Mekong River.
Loading sack on a man's back, to load on boat.
Raft floating on river.
Unloading planks from boat.
Cooking, [cu]
Locusts being "strung" on stick.
Boats; river.
Cooking shelter.
Market: produce in baskets.
Locusts being "strung" on stick.
Individuals shopping at market.
Crabs "walking" (on stick).
Women sitting, bartering.
Food and drink for sale, [cu]
Boy playing bamboo reeds.
Woman spinning.
Thatched hut; village scenes.
Man smoking large pipe.
View of village showing thatched roofs.
View of Mekong River.
Angkor Wat; carvings and buildings, groves.
Video Category Travelogue
Film Creator Watson Kintner
Topics Angkor Wat, Mekong River, Luang Prabang, Siem Reap River

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