Nepal 1955 Reel 20 of 24

Category: Travelogue

Length: 17:42
Film ID F16-0100
Film Description Reel 20 of 24
Unedited travelogue
Buddhanlikatha (?)
Thanboti (?)


Cat. Reel 100, 1955: Reel 20: Nepal. September 5 Burhānilkantha, Thankot.

Priest and people praying.
Reclining stone Buddha at Burhānilkantha.
Countryside scenes (Note mountain stream).
A grinding mill.
Several girls with nose pieces and large earrings, (cu)
A letter writer (probably).
Small shrine.
Man decorating an umbrella.
Several views of two spiders in web. (cu).
Man sharpening a sickle, holding whetstone in hand.
Views of a long tow-line.
Sunset. Street scene.
Wheat grinding mill, basket holding wheat.
Carving a millstone.
Mill house and wheat field, (ws).
Feeding wheat to stones, (cu).
Forehead decoration process.
Praying priest. (at 5:28 perf.)
Woman picking poison leaves using tongs.
People bathing.
Carrying heavy loads of tea along road and village.
Bearers with loads of tea, resting and starting up.
A parrot. (cu).
Bearers with loads of tea.
Man in basket and bearers.
Man in a basket.
Loading truck.
Village scenes (note bridge across stream).
Girl washing dishes at falls.
Making warp.
Rooster and shrine. (cu).
Rice area scenery.
Stupa (ws).
Restaurant, stove, fire.
Violin and performer (mws).
Lady stirring rice with feet.
Bearers - lady bearer.
Wrapping incense (note tattoos on hand and foot) (raws)
Ladies with earrings, nose pieces (three cu).
Lady being carried by four men.
Video Category Travelogue
Film Creator Watson Kintner
Topics Burhānilkantha, Nepal, Thankot, Buddha, Buddhism, Buddhist sculptures