Postindian Warrior: Creating a New Consciousness in Native America

Category: Educational

Length: 08:14
Film Description Postindian Warriors: Creating a New Consciousness in Native America highlights the influential work of Anishinaabe writer and activist, Gerald Vizenor. Vizenor's expressions of "survivance" and "Postindian" reject Native American histories of absence and domination, and focus instead on the active presence of Native America today. Tlingit artists Nicholas Galanin and Clarissa Rizal speak about the importance of movement and change in their lives and work as well.

About the project:
Penn Museum's Native American Voices Video project, completed in 2011, was conducted over fourteen months with support from the Annenberg Foundation and Gregory Annenberg Weingarten. The project resulted in the creation of Postindian Warriors: Creating A New Consciousness in Native America, five short videos about contemporary Native America for inclusion in the long-term exhibition, Native American Voices: The People - Here and Now. Five 8 minute films were produced to highlight important themes that emerged from the discussions.
Video Category Educational

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