Mediterranean Section

Vol. III / No. 6

Progress at Minturno

OBJECTS of interest continue to be found at Minturno, which, as the weeks go by, repeatedly confirms its importance as […]

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Vol. III / No. 5

The Cyprus Expedition

A MOST successful season has been concluded at the site near Lapithos, on the island of Cyprus, where a Museum […]

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Vol. III / No. 3-4

The Minturno Expedition

A NUMBER of interesting finds at Minturno have been reported recently by Dr. Jotham Johnson. Among these, part of the […]

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Vol. III / No. 1

By: E. H. D.

A Greek cup by the ‘Foundry Painter’

THE Museum has had the good fortune to acquire, through the generous gift of Mr. Arthur H. Lea, a Greek […]

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Vol. III / No. 1

The Cyprus Expedition

THE Museum has lately undertaken to sponsor small scale excavations on the island of Cyprus in order to fill a […]

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Vol. III / No. 1

Excavations at Minturno

THROUGH the good offices of Count David A. Costantini, president of the International Society for Mediterranean Research, the Museum has […]

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Vol. II / No. 5

By: E. H. D.

Two Greek Sculptures

TWO Greek heads have recently been put on exhibition in the Pepper Gallery at the head of the main stairs. […]

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Vol. II / No. 4

By: E. H. D.

Two Plastic Vases

STUDENTS of aesthetics have noted the difference in the kind of pleasure derived from looking at a small object of […]

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Vol. II / No. 3

By: E. H. D.

An Amphora from the Hope Collection

TO the third quarter of the fifth century before Christ has been assigned a large group of vases associated with […]

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Vol. II / No. 1

By: E. H. D.

Four New Geometric Vases

ONE of the most striking phenomena of Greek decorative art is the appearance in about 1000 B.C. of a style […]

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