Near East Section

Vol. II / No. 6

Excavations at Ur

SINCE completing the excavation of the royal tombs at Ur, the main scene of operations has been the residential quarter. […]

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Vol. II / No. 6

Objects from Ur

IN the Museum Journal for December 1929 there were described the methods used and results obtained in preserving and restoring […]

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Vol. II / No. 6

An Ur Painting

THERE is reproduced on Plate I a welcome addition to the Museum’s collections: this is an oil painting by Joseph […]

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Vol. II / No. 5

Excavations at Ur

THE clearing of the royal tombs of the Third Dynasty of Ur is proceeding apace; the latest reports indicate that […]

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Vol. II / No. 5

The Beisan Expedition

EXCAVATION at Beisan has been completed for this season. The closing weeks of the season were spent, at the main […]

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Vol. II / No. 5

Excavations at Nuzi

OUR February report on Nuzi closed with mention of the finding of a well in the temple courtyard. Although this […]

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Vol. II / No. 5

The Tell Billah Expedition

THE painted pottery of the Hurrian period continues to hold the center of interest at Tell Billah. As Dr. Speiser […]

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Vol. II / No. 5

Tepe Gawra: A New Site

IN the spring of 1927, Dr. E. A. Speiser, who was engaged in making an extensive archaeological reconnaissance of Northern […]

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Vol. II / No. 4

The Beisan Expedition

WORD has been received from Mr. FitzGerald that the building mentioned in the December Bulletin as being probably a monastery […]

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Vol. II / No. 4

The Expedition at Nuzi

THE Museum, in association with Harvard University and the American School of Oriental Research at Baghdad, has resumed operations at […]

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