Near East Section

Vol. II / No. 4

Announcing a Joint Persian Expedition

PRELIMINARY surveys are already being made and early in the spring the Museum, in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Museum of […]

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Vol. II / No. 3

A Report from Ur

THE first months of this season’s work at Ur have been notable for the uncovering of the burial places of […]

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Vol. II / No. 3

The Tell Billah Expedition

THE first reports have been received from Dr. E. A. Speiser, Director of the Expedition at Tell Billah sponsored by […]

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Vol. II / No. 2

The Beisan Expedition

THE first report has been received from Mr. G. M. Fitz Gerald, Director of the Museum’s Palestine Expedition, which has […]

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Vol. II / No. 2

The Ur Finds: Season of 1929-30

DR. LEGRAIN, Curator of the Babylonian Section, is just returned from London where he was engaged in the division of […]

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Vol. II / No. 1

Exhibition of the Kirkuk Finds

AN exhibition of the finds of the expedition at Nuzi near Kirkuk in northern Mesopotamia will be placed on view […]

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Vol. I / No. 4

A Hittite Tufa Eagle

INCLUDED in an extensive collection of classical and Babylonian antiquities lent to the Museum through the courtesy of Miss Elise […]

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Vol. I / No. 4

A Remarkable Persian Manuscript

ENGAGED by the Museum in describing its collection of Mohammedan Art, I found among the manuscripts a Persian item which, […]

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Vol. I / No. 4

Important Finds at Kirkuk

THE excavations at Kirkuk, Iraq, have reached a particularly interesting stage, according to the latest report received from Mr. Charles […]

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Vol. I / No. 4

Mr. Woolley’s Report from Ur

THE Joint Expedition of the British Museum and of the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania has now, at the […]

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