Near East Section

Vol. VII / No. 1

By: E. S.

Tol-E-Bakun: Prehistoric Mound Near Persepolis

THE Iranian Expedition, sponsored jointly by the Oriental Institute of Chicago, the Boston Museum of Fine Arts and the University […]

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Vol. VI / No. 6

By: E. A. S.

The Oldest Acropolis

TEPE Gawra has been recognized, since its discovery ten years ago, as a site of fundamental importance for the cultural […]

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Vol. VI / No. 6

By: E. A. S.

Khafaje, 1937

IMMEDIATELY after receiving word that funds were available, Dr. Speiser undertook to carry on a brief season of excavations on […]

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Vol. VI / No. 6

By: L. L.

The Museum’s Gudea

The death of Gustav Oberlaender on November 30th has brought a unique sense of loss to the officers and members […]

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Vol. VI / No. 4

By: E. S.

Rayy Research, 1935: Part II

THE continuation of Dr. Schmidt’s report on the 1935 season of the Joint Expedition to Iran covers two important phases […]

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Vol. VI / No. 4

By: E. A. G.

Ural Bronzes

IN 1933 the Museum acquired by exchange with several Museums of the U.S.S.R. a considerable collection of small bronzes from […]

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Vol. VI / No. 4

By: C. B.

The Round House at Gawra

ACTIVE work of the Expedition to Tepe Gawra, supported jointly by the American Schools of Oriental Research and the Museum, […]

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Vol. VI / No. 3

By: C. B.

Gawra XII

THE Museum’s Expedition to Tepe Gawra left Philadelphia early in September. During the last field season the discovery of Level […]

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Vol. VI / No. 3

By: E. S.

Rayy Research 1935: Part I

The Second Season Begins THE first excavation season at any site is usually a period of sounding and learning. The […]

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Vol. VI / No. 1

By: C. B.

Obsidian Vessels from Tepe Gawra

INTRUSIVE in Level 11 of the Great Mound were discovered last year a number of Libn tombs described from time […]

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