Oceanian Section

Vol. XII / No. 3-4

By: D. Sutherland Davidson

The Pacific Area: The Oceanic Collections of the University Museum

THE Pacific Ocean, which extends nine thousand miles east and west at the equator and eight thousand miles north and […]

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Vol. XII / No. 3-4

By: D. Sutherland Davidson

Preface: The Oceanic Collections of the University Museum

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Miss Jean Franckaen for the Cover Design of a Mortlock Island Mask, Micronesia. Mr. Reuben Goldberg for the Photographs. […]

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Vol. XI / No. 3

By: H. A. Weischhoff

III. Types of Money: Primitive Money

In enumerating the most important types of money which have had validity among primitive peoples, the following arrangement has been […]

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Vol. XI / No. 3

By: H. A. Weischhoff

II. Origin of Money: Primitive Money

The origin of money, like all problems of a similar nature, is a question which is invariably raised by scholars […]

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Vol. XI / No. 3

By: H. A. Weischhoff

I. What Is Money?: Primitive Money

In an age in which money has become the ultima ratio of human society and in which its function has […]

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Vol. VI / No. 1

By: E. A. G.

Easter Island Wood Carvings

IN proportion to its size of scarcely thirty-six square miles, Easter Island or Rapanui has provoked more discussions and has […]

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Vol. V / No. 5

By: H. U. Hall

Maori War Canoe Ornaments

THE Oceanian exhibition lately installed in the east wing of the Museum includes several fine examples of the prow and […]

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Vol. V / No. 4

By: Henry Usher Hall

Malagan of New Ireland

THE gallery lately devoted to a part of the African collections now contains, newly installed, a selection from those of […]

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Vol. V / No. 1

By: H. U. H.

A New Guinea Oracle

IN the coastal region of Geelvink Bay, in the north of Dutch New Guinea, the people practise a cult of […]

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Vol. II / No. 3

By: H. U. H.

A Wood-Carving from New Guinea

THE great island of New Guinea, to the north of Australia, is next in size to Greenland among the islands […]

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