Volume III / Number 1


Vol. III / No. 1

By: J. A. M.

A Maya Carved Stone Lintel from Guatemala

THE most important and spectacular discovery made by the Eldridge R . Johnson Expedition to the ancient Maya city of […]

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Vol. III / No. 1

By: J. A. M.

A Peruvian Painting Set

ONE of the most interesting of the recent accessions to the American Section is a group of small objects [Plate […]

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Vol. III / No. 1

Field-Work in the Southwest

THERE seems to be an increasing evidence that man lived in the Southwest at a period earlier than the Basket […]

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Vol. III / No. 1

The Joint Expedition to Persia

ACTUAL excavating at Damghan was undertaken by the Joint Expedition to Persia, sponsored by the University Museum and the Pennsylvania […]

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Vol. III / No. 1

A Curator for the Egyptian Section

IT is with pleasure that the Board of Managers is able to announce the appointment of Battiscombe Gunn, Esq., as […]

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Vol. III / No. 1

Excavations at Minturno

THROUGH the good offices of Count David A. Costantini, president of the International Society for Mediterranean Research, the Museum has […]

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Vol. III / No. 1

The Cyprus Expedition

THE Museum has lately undertaken to sponsor small scale excavations on the island of Cyprus in order to fill a […]

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Vol. III / No. 1

By: E. H. D.

A Greek cup by the ‘Foundry Painter’

THE Museum has had the good fortune to acquire, through the generous gift of Mr. Arthur H. Lea, a Greek […]

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Vol. III / No. 1

By: H. E. F.

Additions to the Chinese Collection

RECENT acquisitions in the Chinese section include a group of seven teen pieces of mortuary pottery. The pottery is of […]

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Vol. III / No. 1

The New North American Galleries

THE staff of the Museum has been largely occupied during the past months in effecting a complete reinstallation of the […]

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