Volume III / Number 5


Vol. III / No. 5

A Report from Ur

A REMARKABLE Second Dynasty tomb has been found by the Joint Expedition to Ur. At the bottom of a rectangular […]

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Vol. III / No. 5

The Coxe Egyptian Expedition

A FIND of the first importance has been reported by Mr. Alan Rowe, field director of the Coxe Expedition at […]

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Vol. III / No. 5

The Cyprus Expedition

A MOST successful season has been concluded at the site near Lapithos, on the island of Cyprus, where a Museum […]

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Vol. III / No. 5

Objects from Beth Shemesh

THROUGH the courtesy of Dr. Elihu Grant, director of the Haverford College expedition to Beth Shemesh, Palestine, we are privileged […]

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Vol. III / No. 5

The Joint Expedition to Persia

THE second half of the season, now closed, at Damghan, Persia, was devoted to complete excavation of the Sasanian palace […]

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Vol. III / No. 5

Excavations at Tell Billa and Tepe Gawra

THE season at Tell Billa and Tepe Gawra has now closed and, although we have not yet received Dr. Speiser’s […]

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Vol. III / No. 5

An Unusual Opportunity

THE Museum is privileged to exhibit, temporarily at least and permanently it is to be hoped, a large collection of […]

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Vol. III / No. 5

By: H. N. W.

The Charles H. Stephens Collection

THE Hall of South American Archaeology has been transformed by the temporary exhibition of a goodly portion of the Charles […]

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