Volume IV / Number 5


Vol. IV / No. 5

By: L. S.

The Piedras Negras Expedition

THERE is a tradition among archaeologists that something important is sure to turn up about the last week of the […]

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Vol. IV / No. 5

By: E. B. H.

Excavations in New Mexico

THE field-work for the University Museum in the Southwest has just been concluded for this year, and, though certain phases […]

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Vol. IV / No. 5

By: H. N. W.

The Franklin Peale Collection

THREE quarters of a century ago, a member of the notable Peale family, identified with the artistic life of Philadelphia, […]

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Vol. IV / No. 5

By: F. de Laguna

The Alaskan Expedition

AN unexpected discovery of great interest was made in Alaska this summer by Miss Frederica de Laguna, of the Museum […]

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Vol. IV / No. 5

The Expedition to Minturnae

DURING the first season at Minturnre, Italy, the Museum’s expedition (as reported from time to time in these pages) cleared […]

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Vol. IV / No. 5

A Model of a Roman Town House

IN response to many requests coming from all over the country, the Museum is about to publish an accurate scale […]

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Vol. IV / No. 5

A New Expedition to Persia

IT is gratifying to be able to announce that the Museum’s work in Persia- so successfully inaugurated by two season […]

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Vol. IV / No. 5

The Russian Project

THE development of the Russian project under the guidance of Mr. Eugene Golomshtok has progressed most favorably. Of particular interest […]

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Vol. IV / No. 5

The Beisan Expedition and the Beth-shan Society

EXCAVATIONS have now been resumed at Beisan, Palestine, after a lapse of a year and a half, with the expedition […]

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Vol. IV / No. 5

The Bulletin

IT was announced in the June Bulletin that the next issue would be largely devoted to the newly installed gallery […]

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