Volume V / Number 2


Vol. V / No. 2

The Joint Expedition to Ur

THE first report on the present season of the Ur Expedition has been received from Mr. C. Leonard Woolley. An […]

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Vol. V / No. 2

A New Publication in the Ur Series

A NOTABLE addition to the Museum’s publications has just been received from the press. It is Ur Excavations-Part II-The Royal […]

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Vol. V / No. 2

The Beisan Expedition

THE 1933 season of the Beisan Expedition was brought to a successful close in December, but Mr. FitzGerald’s report on […]

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Vol. V / No. 2

The Persian Expedition

DR. ERICH F. SCHMIDT, field director of the expedition to Persia which the Museum (through the Mrs. William Boyce Thompson […]

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Vol. V / No. 2

By: E. H. D.

A Pair of Earrings from Cyprus

WHENEVER Homer mentions a work of exquisite handicraft he attributes it to the Phœnicians. It is Phœnician women who stain […]

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Vol. V / No. 2

By: E. G.

Bronze Bird Figures from Russia

AMONG the numerous examples of the bronze work from Russia and Siberia recently acquired by the Museum through exchanges with […]

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Vol. V / No. 2

By: H. E. F.

An Early Chinese Sculpture

DECORATED stone pedestals for the support of Buddhist statues are among the best of the early sculptures of China. The […]

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Vol. V / No. 2

By: J. A. M.

A Stela from Piedras Negras

THERE are now shown in the Middle American Hall four monumental stelae from Pied.ras Negras, one of the results of […]

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Vol. V / No. 2

By: F. de L.

Ceremonial Paddles from the Eyak Indians, Alaska

THE Joint Expedition to Alaska of the University Museum and the Danish National Museum was fortunate in securing two specimens […]

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Vol. V / No. 2

By: E. H.

For Junior Members: Indian Dolls

IN the American Indian Section of the Museum, among the weapons once used in fighting and hunting, among the clothing […]

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