Volume V / Number 5


Vol. V / No. 5

By: Dr. J. Alden Mason

Three Inca Wooden Cups

IN THE course of the “housecleaning” of the Peruvian material in storage, which has lain untouched for many years, two […]

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Vol. V / No. 5

By: Dorothy Cross

Objects From Ur

THE Museum’s share of objects found during the final season of excavations at Ur are now being sorted and catalogued. […]

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Vol. V / No. 5

Tepe Gawra Excavations

THE Joint Expedition of the University Museum and the American Schools of Oriental Research now working at Tepe Gawra is […]

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Vol. V / No. 5

The Albert Gallatin Collection

THANKS to the extreme generosity of the owner, Mr. Albert Gallatin of New York, one of the outstanding private collections […]

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Vol. V / No. 5

Chinese Rubbings

THE Museum was briefly fortunate in being able to exhibit for the fortnight ending February seventeenth a small but striking […]

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Vol. V / No. 5

By: Dr. Erich F. Schmidt

The Persian Expedition

THE achievements of the first season of the Joint Expedition to Rayy of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts and […]

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Vol. V / No. 5

By: Dr. Frederica de Laguna

Eskimo Dug-Outs

THE expedition of the University Museum and the Danish National Museum to Prince William Sound, Alaska, In 1933, acquired three […]

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Vol. V / No. 5

By: H. U. Hall

Maori War Canoe Ornaments

THE Oceanian exhibition lately installed in the east wing of the Museum includes several fine examples of the prow and […]

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Vol. V / No. 5

By: E. H. D. and H. E. F.

Book Reviews

FROM time to time books come to the attention of our Curators which are both readable and authoritative and which […]

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