Volume VI / Number 3


Vol. VI / No. 3

By: E. S.

Rayy Research 1935: Part I

The Second Season Begins THE first excavation season at any site is usually a period of sounding and learning. The […]

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Vol. VI / No. 3

By: V. P.

Guajiro Expedition 1935

THE Expedition to the Guajiro Peninsula which was dispatched on April 23rd under the sponsorship of the Museum and Columbia […]

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Vol. VI / No. 3

By: H. H. F. J.

Palace Ladies

AMONG the Museum’s Chinese paintings sent to the Exhibition of Chinese Art in Burlington House the outstanding one was probably […]

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Vol. VI / No. 3

By: C. B.

Gawra XII

THE Museum’s Expedition to Tepe Gawra left Philadelphia early in September. During the last field season the discovery of Level […]

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Vol. VI / No. 3

By: H. N. W.

Taino Figurines

WHEN Columbus landed on the shore of the New World the natives greeted his messengers with the cry “Taino! Taino!” […]

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Vol. VI / No. 3

Expedition Notes

THE sixth season of the Piedras Negras Expedition has been arranged and the field staff will have reached the site […]

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Vol. VI / No. 3

Publication Notes: Extract Series

ANNUALLY a considerable number of papers are published in various popular and scientific journals bearing upon the work of the […]

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