Volume VI / Number 5


Vol. VI / No. 5

By: P. M.

Stela of Sisopduyenhab and His Relatives

THERE is now on exhibition in the Upper Hall of the Coxe Egyptian wing an interesting stela of limestone which […]

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Vol. VI / No. 5

By: M. B.

Archaeology in Western Pennsylvania

ALTHOUGH few of us think that archaeology, like charity, can begin at home, digging in Pennsylvania has gone on spasmodically […]

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Vol. VI / No. 5

By: L. S., Jr.

The Sixth Piedras Negras Expedition

MAYAN carved and dated monuments, so splendidly represented in our museum by originals from Piedras Negras, are found scattered over […]

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Vol. VI / No. 5

By: E. H. D.

Two Syrian Sculptured Portraits

THROUGH the generosity of Max, Freiherr von Oppenheim, the Museum has on display in the Roman Gallery of the Sharpe […]

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Vol. VI / No. 5

By: E. B. H.

The First Americans

JOINT work of the University Museum and the Academy of Natural Sciences and the Carnegie Institution was continued in New […]

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Vol. VI / No. 5

By: H. H. F. J.

Po Shan Lu

“IT is an old affair of the Han Dynasty. When the rulers are married they bestow po shan lu or […]

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