Volume IX / Number 1


Vol. IX / No. 1

By: H. H. F. J.

Maitreya and Guardians

THE dating of early Chinese Buddhist sculpture is based, of necessity, on two classes of objects, first those that bear […]

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Vol. IX / No. 1

By: L. L.

Nippur Again

I.-Sumerian Heads AMONG the treasures of the Babylonian Section are now exhibited two small but valuable Sumerian heads, cut in […]

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Vol. IX / No. 1

By: H. N. W.

Hopi Kachinas

IN the kivas of the Hopi pueblos, the men are busy, for the sun has almost reached the farthest point […]

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Vol. IX / No. 1

By: H. R.

An Egyptian Tombstone of the New Kingdom

THE tombstone shown in Plates VIII, 1 which recently was acquired for the University Museum, is unusually informative. While most […]

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Vol. IX / No. 1

By: V. C. B.

Ancient Needles

THE origin of the sewing needle goes back, beyond written history, to the Palaeolithic age. This was the time when […]

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