Volume IX / Number 4


Vol. IX / No. 4

By: Percy C. Madeira, Jr.

President’s Message

ON this occasion when The University Museum reviews its work for the year, I want to express my appreciation of […]

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Vol. IX / No. 4

By: George C. Vaillant

Report of the Director

THE University Museum has had a year of considerable accomplishment in spite of events within and without the Museum which […]

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Vol. IX / No. 4

By: Linton Satterthwaite, Jr.

Two Maya Bowls: A Problem in Reconstruction

ACTION such as we see in Plates II-III is rare in Maya art, probably because so little of Maya painting […]

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Vol. IX / No. 4

By: Hermann Ranke

A Late Saitic Statue from the Temple of Neith at Sais

IN December 1941 the University Museum acquired1 a headless kneeling statue of black basalt2 of the period of the so-called […]

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Vol. IX / No. 4

By: Helen E. Fernald

In Defense of the Horses of T’ang T’ai Tsung

THERE is, it seems, still some question in the minds of certain students of Chinese art whether the famous stone […]

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Vol. IX / No. 4

By: Cornelia Dam

Museum Education in Wartime

IN spite of a fifty per cent reduction in the available docent service hitherto provided by the Museum, the Educational […]

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