Volume X / Number 1-2


Vol. X / No. 1-2

By: J. Alden Mason

Preface: American Collections The Ancient Civilizations of Middle America

THE Middle American Halls of The University Museum contain one of the world’s best collections of objects produced by the […]

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Vol. X / No. 1-2

By: J. Alden Mason

Introduction: American Collections The Ancient Civilizations of Middle America

THE massive pyramids of southern Mexico, Yucatan and Guatemala, dominating their surroundings, epitomize the nature of the theocratic civilizations that […]

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Vol. X / No. 1-2

By: J. Alden Mason

The Valley of Mexico: American Collections The Ancient Civilizations of Middle America

Of the early nomadic hunting peoples of Mexico who must have preceded the sedentary agricultural ones we know nothing. So […]

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Vol. X / No. 1-2

By: J. Alden Mason

The Maya: American Collections The Ancient Civilizations of Middle America

THE forested lowlands of the present Guatemala, Yucatan, and adjacent parts of southern Mexico and northern Honduras produced the highest […]

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Vol. X / No. 1-2

By: J. Alden Mason

Other Theocratic Cultures of Mexico: American Collections The Ancient Civilizations of Middle America

WE have described the Aztecs and their culture in some detail because they were in their zenith at the time […]

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Vol. X / No. 1-2

By: J. Alden Mason

The Lesser Archaeological Cultures of Mexico and Central America: American Collections The Ancient Civilizations of Middle America

TO the northwest of Mexico City, in the state of Michoacan and around Lake Patzcuaro, lived and live the Tarascan […]

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Vol. X / No. 1-2

By: J. Alden Mason

The Indian Peoples of Middle America Today: American Collections The Ancient Civilizations of Middle America

IN contrast to the United States, where Indians form an infinitesimal part of the population in the urban, industrial and […]

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Vol. X / No. 1-2

By: J. Alden Mason

Notes For Further Reading: American Collections The Ancient Civilizations of Middle America

THE literature on Middle American archaeology is voluminous, with a few sound and reliable, popular readable books by recognized authorities, […]

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Vol. X / No. 1-2

By: J. Alden Mason

Publications of the University Museum on Middle America: American Collections The Ancient Civilizations of Middle America

Information on and prices of the following publications will gladly be sent on request to the Secretary. Those preceded by […]

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