Volume XI / Number 3


Vol. XI / No. 3

By: Marian Angell Godfrey

Foreword: Primitive Money

THIS number of the Bulletin has been planned not only to accompany but also to outlast a special exhibition, The […]

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Vol. XI / No. 3

By: H. A. Weischhoff

Introduction: Primitive Money

THIS bulletin proposes to deal with money and the various concepts regarding money insofar as they affect the so-called primitive […]

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Vol. XI / No. 3

By: H. A. Weischhoff

I. What Is Money?: Primitive Money

In an age in which money has become the ultima ratio of human society and in which its function has […]

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Vol. XI / No. 3

By: H. A. Weischhoff

II. Origin of Money: Primitive Money

The origin of money, like all problems of a similar nature, is a question which is invariably raised by scholars […]

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Vol. XI / No. 3

By: H. A. Weischhoff

III. Types of Money: Primitive Money

In enumerating the most important types of money which have had validity among primitive peoples, the following arrangement has been […]

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Vol. XI / No. 3

By: H. A. Weischhoff

Suggested Reading: Primitive Money

For those who should like to pursue this subject farther than this short bulletin allows, the following list of publications […]

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