Piedras Negras Expedition

The ancient city of Piedras Negras, deep in the jungle of the Petén district of Guatemala, was the Museum’s first large-scale excavation of a Maya ruin. It is known for its elaborately carved and well-preserved monuments, many of which were on display in the Penn Museum for years. The work, directed by J. Alden Mason and Linton Satterthwaite, lasted from 1931 to 1939.

Vol. XI / No. 4

By: L. S. Jr.

Incense Burning at Piedras Negras

WHY do institutions like our Museum dig out the dead bones of the past? Certainly a prime consideration is often […]

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Vol. VIII / No. 2-3

By: L. S. Jr.

Another Piedras Negras Stela

MAYA carved monuments fall into various categories, the most numerous being “stelae”. These are long shafts set upright in the […]

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Vol. VIII / No. 2-3

By: L. S. Jr.

Evolution of a Maya Temple: Part II

IN the November issue of the Bulletin (Vol. 7, No. 4) we illustrated the changing forms of a Piedras Negras […]

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Vol. VII / No. 4

By: L. S. Jr.

Evolution of a Maya Temple: Part 1

MOST of the 1939 effort at Piedras Negras went into discovering the forms of three temples, one over the other […]

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Vol. VII / No. 1

By: L. S., Jr.

Thrones at Piedras Negras

THE seventh Piedras Negras Expedition worked at the ruins of this ancient Maya city from March 22nd to July 4th, […]

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Vol. VI / No. 5

By: L. S., Jr.

The Sixth Piedras Negras Expedition

MAYAN carved and dated monuments, so splendidly represented in our museum by originals from Piedras Negras, are found scattered over […]

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Vol. VI / No. 3

Expedition Notes

THE sixth season of the Piedras Negras Expedition has been arranged and the field staff will have reached the site […]

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Vol. VI / No. 1

By: L. S., Jr.

The Black Rocks

THE following article by Mr. Satterthwaite, Field Director of the Museum’s Expedition to Piedras Negras, Guatemala, covers the work accomplished […]

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Vol. V / No. 3

The Piedras Negras Expedition

THE Museum’s Expedition to Piedras Negras, Guatemala, has commenced the fourth season at this Maya ‘Old Empire’ site. Mr. Linton […]

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Vol. V / No. 2

By: J. A. M.

A Stela from Piedras Negras

THERE are now shown in the Middle American Hall four monumental stelae from Pied.ras Negras, one of the results of […]

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