Vol. 29 / No. 1

By: Alan Mann and Janet Monge

Technology of Casting

Making a Mold A mold of most fossil bones is made of two or more parts. When the design of […]

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Vol. 29 / No. 1

By: Alan Mann and Janet Monge

Reproducing Our Ancestors: The University Museum's Casting Program

A hundred and thirty-one years ago, quarry workers in the Neander Valley (“Tal” in German) came across the mineralized remains […]

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Vol. 41 / No. 3

By: Janet Monge and Alan Mann

A New View of a Neandertal Fossil Bone Collection: Science & Archaeology

The Neandertals are among the most enigmatic of our earlier rela­tives. With their large browridges, low foreheads, and projecting faces […]

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Vol. 50 / No. 1

By: Janet Monge and Alan Mann

Surviving: A Lightning Rod: Exhibit Notes

“The exhibition promises to break new ground as the first of its kind to address aspects of human evolution in […]

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