Vol. 14 / No. 1

By: Alfred Friendly

A Doomed Aqueduct

A unique and fascinating portion of one of the finest aqueducts of the Roman world will be lost in the […]

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Vol. 15 / No. 1

By: Alfred Friendly and Eleni Karapanayiotis


A remarkable piece of archaeological detec­tive work—in effect the solving of a three-dimen­sional jigsaw puzzle—has “recovered” one of the few […]

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Vol. 15 / No. 3

By: Alfred Friendly

Recent Excavations in Jerusalem

Four years of intensive work by Israeli archaeologists in the Old City of Jerusalem—where professional expertise has been inspired by […]

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Vol. 16 / No. 1

By: Alfred Friendly

Modern Science and Ancient Egypt

Two of the most interesting archae­ological ventures now being conducted in Egypt illustrate at its most dramatic the application of […]

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Vol. 17 / No. 4

By: Alfred Friendly


In the past two years British archaeol­ogists have discovered and in some part de­ciphered more than 240 fragments of 1st […]

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