Vol. 41 / No. 2

By: David W. Sedat and Fernando Lopez

Tunneling into the Heart of the Copan Acropolis

Around AD 426 K’inich Yax K’uk’ Mo’ achieved preeminence at Copan and founded a dynasty. During his reign, a complex […]

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Vol. 41 / No. 2

By: Ellen E. Bell, Loa P. Traxler, David W. Sedat and Robert J. Sharer

Uncovering Copan’s Earliest Royal Tombs

The royal tombs found buried deep within the core of the Acropolis are a potent source of information about Early […]

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Vol. 42 / No. 3

By: Ellen E. Bell, Robert J. Sharer, David W. Sedat, Marcello A. Canuto and Lynn Grant

The Margarita Tomb at Copan, Honduras: A Research Update

In an earlier issue of Expedition (41[2]), we reported on the first five years of work in an Early Classic […]

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