Vol. 42 / No. 1

By: Dwaune Latimer

Currently on Loan: What in the World

Two masterpieces from the University of Pennsylvania Museum’s African collection are currently on loan to The Metropolitan Museum of Art […]

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Vol. 57 / No. 1

By: Dwaune Latimer

The People & Products of Colonization: Africa at the Chicago and Paris Expositions

Arican exhibits at world’s fairs— including both native peoples and the objects of their daily life— provided American and European […]

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Vol. 61 / No. 2

By: Jane Hickman, Lauren Cooper, Dwaune Latimer, Alioune Diack and Jessica Bicknell

A Selection of Objects from Our Africa Galleries

THE AFRICA COLLECTION at the Penn Museum includes objects that were purchased by or gifted to the Museum or collected […]

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