Vol. 49 / No. 2

By: Gareth Darbyshire

Keith DeVries: Associate Curator Emeritus, Mediterranean Section: Portrait

Keith Devries, Associate Curator Emeritus in the Mediterranean Section, passed away at the age of 69 on July 16, 2006, […]

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Vol. 51 / No. 2

By: Gareth Darbyshire and Gabriel H. Pizzorno

Gordion in History

According to ancient writers, Gordion is the place where, in 334/3 BCE, Alexander the Great cut the famous Gordian Knot […]

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Vol. 51 / No. 2

By: Gareth Darbyshire, Kenneth W. Harl and Andrew L. Goldman

To the Victory of Caracalla: New Roman Altars at Gordion

Ask any archaeologist whether chance finds are a crucial source of information and the answer you will receive—if he or […]

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Vol. 51 / No. 2

By: Gareth Darbyshire and Gabriel H. Pizzorno

Building Digital Gordion: Coping with the Past in the 21st Century

Ever since the Penn Museum began excavations there in 1950, Gordion has remained a key site for the archaeology of […]

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Vol. 51 / No. 2

By: Gareth Darbyshire

Ellen L. Kohler: Portrait

At Gordion I was told that, if ever I managed to visit the Gordion Archive in the Penn Museum, it […]

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Vol. 55 / No. 2

By: Gareth Darbyshire and Gabriel H. Pizzorno

Taming the Beast: The Digital Gordion Mapping Project

Gordion, in central Turkey, is the largest and longest-running of the Penn Museum’s many excavation projects. An ancient site of […]

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Vol. 55 / No. 2

By: Gareth Darbyshire and Alessandro Pezzati

From the Archives – The Missing Piece

Organizing collections of records to make them available for research is not straightforward. The ease or difficulty in sorting through […]

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Vol. 56 / No. 2

By: Gareth Darbyshire and Christopher Ray

Modelling Gordion’s Citadel

In 2016, a spectacular new exhibition of Anatolian archaeology will open at the Penn Museum. The show’s theme is the […]

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Vol. 57 / No. 3

By: Gareth Darbyshire

The Role of Science: in Gordion’s Archaeology

Gordion is an unusually large and complex archaeological site, the product of its over 4,000-year occupation history. Rising 16 meters […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 3

By: Gareth Darbyshire

Professor G. Kenneth Sams, 1943-2018: Portrait

G. Kenneth Sams, former director of Penn’s long-lived Gordion Project, and Professor of Classical Archaeology at UNC Chapel Hill, has […]

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Model of a villa.

Vol. 64 / No. 1

By: Gareth Darbyshire and Alessandro Pezzati

Modeling the Past with Chris Ray

Christopher Ray, who for over thirty years created exhibition models for the Penn Museum, died on December 5, 2021. He […]

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