Vol. 3 / No. 2

By: George F. Bass

A Bronze Age Shipwreck

Just off Cape Gelidonya, on the southwest coast of Turkey, lies a row of five tiny islands, little more than […]

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Photo of submarine

Vol. 7 / No. 2

By: George F. Bass and Lloyd P. Wells

The Museum Assembles A Fleet: Two Views

By George F. Bass It was surely the most exciting day of my life. When I stepped from the limousine […]

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Vol. 8 / No. 4

By: George F. Bass

Troy and Ur: Gold Links Between Two Ancient Capitals

The early Bronze Age in much of the Aegean, Near East, and Eastern Europe might better be called the Early […]

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Vol. 10 / No. 3

By: George F. Bass

The Turkish Aegean: Proving Ground for Underwater Archaeology

In the spring of 1960, seven men and women arrived in Turkey to excavate a Bronze Age shipwreck ninety-five feet […]

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Vol. 11 / No. 1

By: George F. Bass and Laurence T. Joline

Problems of Deep Wreck Identification

Readers of recent numbers of Expedition and the National Geographic are aware already of the University Museum’s search for two specific shipwrecks off […]

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Vol. 49 / No. 2

By: George F. Bass

Nautical Archaeology: From Its Beginnings at Penn to Today's INA

It all began nearly half a century ago at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. In 1959, […]

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