Vol. 34 / No. 3

By: Harold L. Dibble

Paleolithic Archaeology: The Search for our Human Heritage

The Paleolithic, or “Old Stone Age,” is a fascinating period of prehistory for anyone interest­ed in human origins and evolution. […]

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Vol. 43 / No. 2

By: Deborah I. Olszewski, Shannon P. McPherron, Harold L. Dibble and Marie Soressi

Middle Egypt in Prehistory: A Search for the Origins of Modern Human Behavior and Human Dispersal

The word Egypt for many people evokes im­ages of one of the great civilizations of the ancient world and represents […]

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Vol. 43 / No. 3

By: Harold L. Dibble

From the Deputy Director for Curatorial Affairs

In the last issue, Dr. Gerald Margolis introduced himself as the Museum’s new Deputy Director of Operations. I too have […]

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Vol. 50 / No. 3

By: Harold L. Dibble, Shannon P. McPherron, Deborah I. Olszewski, Jennifer R. Smith, Utsav Schurmans and Laurent Chiotti

Prehistoric Abydos: Africa's Gateway to the World

Most Expedition readers will be familiar with the Museum’s longstanding Egyptian research project at Abydos, which focuses on Abydos’s ancient […]

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