Vol. 42 / No. 2

By: James R. Mathieu

A Tree Falls in Philadelphia: Research Notes

The plunging of a silver shovel into the dirt on April 14, 2000, marked the official groundbreaking for the construction […]

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Vol. 45 / No. 3

By: James R. Mathieu

Time Travel, Trebuchets, and Atlatls: Playing with the Past Through Experimental Archaeology: Science and Archaeology

Recently I had a chance to read Michael Crich­on’s Timeline, a book recommended to me because it combined my interests […]

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Vol. 46 / No. 2

By: James R. Mathieu

From the Editor – Summer 2004

This issue of Expedition marks a transition in more ways than one. First and foremost, we introduce our readers to […]

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Vol. 46 / No. 3

By: James R. Mathieu

From the Editor – Winter 2004

The original impetus behind this special issue on Cultural Anthropology came from my predecessor as editor, Beebe Bahrami. As a […]

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Vol. 47 / No. 1

By: James R. Mathieu

From the Editor – Spring 2005

Welcome to another issue of Expedition. In the following pages you will read about the western highlands of Guatemala and […]

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Vol. 47 / No. 2

By: James R. Mathieu

From the Editor – Summer 2005

Welcome to Expeditions summer issue! In the following pages you will read about the Museum’s role in the Centennial Potlatch—a […]

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Vol. 47 / No. 3

By: James R. Mathieu

From the Editor – Winter 2005

This Winter’s Expedition is a special issue on Caves! Spanning the globe from Mesoamerica to Borneo and ranging in time […]

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Vol. 48 / No. 1

By: James R. Mathieu

From the Editor – Spring 2006

Welcome to the first issue of Expedition for 2006! We are pleased to present an eclectic issue covering a wide […]

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Vol. 48 / No. 2

By: James R. Mathieu

From the Editor – Summer 2006

Welcome to Expedition’s special issue on Egyptology! Here’s a detailed look at the Museum’s involvement in the archaeology of ancient […]

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Vol. 48 / No. 3

By: Greg Borgstede, Benjamin Porter and James R. Mathieu

Ec(k)s Mark the Spot?: Book News & Reviews

The Olmecs: America’s First Civilization by Richard A. Diehl (New York: Thames & Hudson, 2005) 208 pp., 152 illus, 20 […]

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Vol. 48 / No. 3

By: James R. Mathieu

From the Editor – Winter 2006

Welcome to expedition’s final issue for 2006! Once again, we offer an eclectic range of articles presenting anthropological and archaeological […]

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Vol. 49 / No. 1

By: James R. Mathieu

From the Editor – Spring 2007

In this first issue of Expedition for 2007 we are excited to present feature articles highlighting a wide variety of […]

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Vol. 49 / No. 2

By: James R. Mathieu

From the Editor – Summer 2007

Anthropology is a very broad field, encompassing the subfields of archaeology, biological anthropology, cultural anthropology, and linguistic anthropology. In this […]

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Vol. 50 / No. 1

By: James R. Mathieu

From the Editor – Spring 2008

Welcome to the first issue of Expedition’s 50th volume! Once again, we present three feature articles—two on historical archaeological research […]

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Vol. 50 / No. 2

By: James R. Mathieu

From the Editor – Summer 2008

It’s here—the summer issue of Expedition—your triennial 48 pages of popularly accessible archaeological and anthropological scholarship! As usual, we present […]

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Vol. 50 / No. 3

By: Alex Pezzati and James R. Mathieu

Is Your Mind Ready for Adventure?: From the Archives

“EXPEDITION—for the adventurous mind. If you’re puzzled about man’s fate, about his potential for greatness or failure in this sometimes […]

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Vol. 50 / No. 3

By: James R. Mathieu

From the Editor – Winter 2008

Welcome to the 50th anniversary issue of Expedition—originally launched in the fall of 1958! This commemorative issue looks back on Expedition’s […]

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