Vol. 51 / No. 2

By: Jane Hickman

From the Editor – Summer 2009

For well over a century, the Penn Museum has sponsored archaeological excavations throughout the world, from Mesopotamia to Thailand to […]

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Vol. 51 / No. 3

By: Jane Hickman

From the Editor – Winter 2009

The Winter issue of Expedition begins with a special section on Butrint, an archaeological site and national park located on […]

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Vol. 52 / No. 1

By: Jane Hickman

From the Editor – Spring 2010

The spring 2010 issue of Expedition takes you from Greece to India to Vietnam. Our first feature describes an on-going […]

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Vol. 52 / No. 2

By: Jane Hickman

From the Editor – Summer 2010

The Curatorial faculty of The University Museum today reached the unanimous conclusion that they would purchase no more art objects […]

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Vol. 52 / No. 3

By: Jane Hickman

From the Editor – Winter 2010

Travel the Silk Road with the Penn Museum in this special expanded edition of Expedition magazine. This issue was created […]

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Vol. 53 / No. 1

By: Jane Hickman

From the Editor – Spring 2011

Over the last several decades, Afghanistan has suffered from invasion, revolution, and civil war. Although we frequently read about the […]

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Vol. 53 / No. 3

By: Jane Hickman

Animals in Antiquity: From the Editor

The winter 2011 issue on animals in antiquity began with a suggestion by Donald White two years ago. White, Curator […]

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Vol. 54 / No. 1

By: Jane Hickman

From the Editor – Spring 2012: Maya 2012: Myth and Reality

Travel through 4,000 years of Mesoamerican history with the Penn Museum in this special expanded edition of Expedition magazine. This […]

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Vol. 54 / No. 3

By: Alessandro Pezzati, Jane Hickman and Alexandra Fleischman

A Brief History of the Penn Museum

The founding of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology was part of the great wave of institution-building […]

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Vol. 54 / No. 3

By: Jane Hickman

Every Picture Tells a Story: From the Editor

When I began editing Expedition almost four years ago, I was unaware of the many wonderful stories associated with those […]

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Museum Object Number: 31-50-212

Vol. 55 / No. 1

By: Jane Hickman

Treasure Beneath the Floor

Although the Monastery of Lady Mary is best known for its fine mosaics, another discovery awaited Fitzgerald’s team as they […]

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Vol. 55 / No. 2

By: Jane Hickman

From the Editor – A New Expedition

As you read through this issue of Expedition, you will see many changes in design as well as in content. […]

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Vol. 56 / No. 2

By: Jane Hickman

From the Editor – Fall 2014: Expedition Travels the World

The Fall 2014 issue of Expedition is truly an international edition, with stories and photographs from Iraq, Kenya, Egypt, Turkey, […]

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Vol. 57 / No. 2

By: Jane Hickman

Stories from the Americas and Egypt: From the Editor - Fall 2015

The Fall 2015 issue opens with an article by Meg Kassabaum, Weingarten Assistant Curator ofthe American Section and Assistant Professor […]

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Vol. 56 / No. 3

By: Jane Hickman

A Research Institution: From the Editor

The Penn Museum’s 2013–2020 Strategic Plan includes four foundational pillars: research, teaching, collections stewardship, and public engagement. In addition to […]

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Vol. 57 / No. 1

By: Jane Hickman

The Wonder of World’s Fairs: From the Editor

“…this is a World’s Fair and all the world is here, to exhibit and see.” From The Worlds Fair, 1891 […]

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Vol. 57 / No. 3

By: Anastasia Amrhein, Patricia Kim, Lucas Stephens and Jane Hickman

The Myth of Midas’ Golden Touch

Gold has been used to create objects of beauty across the ages, conferring a high level of status on those […]

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Vol. 57 / No. 3

By: Jane Hickman

The Penn Museum and the Kingdom of Midas: From the Editor

This special expanded issue of Expedition was created to accompany The Golden Age of King Midas. This extraordinary exhibition—with objects […]

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Vol. 58 / No. 1

By: Jane Hickman

Stories from the Penn Museum: From the Editor

The Spring 2016 issue includes four articles related to the work of the Penn Museum. We open with “Secrets of […]

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Photo of Jane, Page, and Janet with mummy

Vol. 58 / No. 2

By: Jane Hickman and Page Selinsky

Mummies: Unraveling History’s Mysteries: From the Editor

To many school children and their families, the Penn Museum is known as the “Mummy Museum.” Although visitors are fascinated […]

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Vol. 58 / No. 3

By: Jane Hickman

Stories from China, Greece, the Kalahari, and Egypt: From the Editor

The Winter 2016 issue of Expedition opens with an article by Fangyi Cheng on the legacy of the Museum’s Mayer […]

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Jane with a “Terracotta Warrior

Vol. 59 / No. 3

By: Jane Hickman

Ancient & Modern: From the Editor

Our Winter issue includes stories of the ancient and modern world. We begin with an amazing archaeological site in southeastern […]

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handprint in cement

Vol. 59 / No. 1

By: Jane Hickman

The Trace of a Child: From the Editor

When I was two years old, my father gently pressed my hand into cement to create a record of my […]

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Vol. 59 / No. 2

By: Jane Hickman

Unsung Heroes: From the Editor

For 130 years, men and women have worked on excavations and expeditions for the Penn Museum, sometimes under extraordinary and […]

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drawing of animation

Vol. 60 / No. 1

By: Jane Hickman

Making the Middle East Galleries: A Conversation with Julian Siggers, Dan Rahimi, and Steve Tinney

Julian Siggers, Ph.D., is Williams Director of the Penn Museum; Dan Rahimi is Executive Director of Galleries; Steve Tinney, Ph.D., […]

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Photo of Jane Hickman and Steve Tinney

Vol. 60 / No. 1

By: Jane Hickman and Steve Tinney

Over a Century of Exploration in the Middle East: From the Editor

The Middle East Galleries, opening on April 21, 2018, celebrate the Penn Museum’s long history of excavation and research in […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 2

By: Jane Hickman

An Eclectic Fall Issue: From the Editor

The Fall 2018 issue of Expedition includes four articles on various topics: a primer on how to read and understand […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 3

By: Jane Hickman

Statue of a Cat: Favorite Object

Cats in Ancient Egypt were kept as pets and as sacred animals dedicated to Bastet, the goddess of fertility and […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 3

By: Jane Hickman

Searching for Stories: From the Editor

I am often asked how I find stories for Expedition. Some are written by Museum curators and keepers as well […]

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Vol. 61 / No. 1

By: Jane Hickman

Sixty Years of Expedition: From the Editor

In the fall of 1958, the first issue of Expedition magazine was published by the Penn Museum. Contents included an […]

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Vol. 61 / No. 2

By: Jane Hickman

Portrait: Elin Danien (1929-2019)

—To the memory of my hero, my co-conspirator, and my very good friend. ELIN DANIEN was more than a force […]

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Vol. 61 / No. 2

By: Jane Hickman, Lauren Cooper, Dwaune Latimer, Alioune Diack and Jessica Bicknell

A Selection of Objects from Our Africa Galleries

THE AFRICA COLLECTION at the Penn Museum includes objects that were purchased by or gifted to the Museum or collected […]

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Vol. 61 / No. 2

By: Jane Hickman and Alyssa Connell Haslam

Making the Africa Galleries: A Conversation with Tukufu Zuberi

TUKUFU ZUBERI, PH.D., is the Curator of the Africa Galleries. He is the Lasry Family Professor of Race Relations, and […]

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Vol. 61 / No. 2

By: Jane Hickman

Ten Years as Editor: From the Editor

I began as Editor of Expedition in 2009, just after I finished graduate school at Penn. Issue 51.2 that year […]

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Vol. 62 / No. 1

By: Jane Hickman

Artifacts from Around the World: Welcome to the New Sphinx Gallery

Artifacts from Around the World Welcome to the New Sphinx Gallery By: Jane Hickman and Penn Museum Curators and Keepers […]

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Vol. 62 / No. 1

By: Jane Hickman

Teamwork: From the Editor

The last few years have been a whirlwind of activity at the Museum, with ongoing renovations leading to the opening […]

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Vol. 62 / No. 2

By: Jane Hickman

Working Remotely: From the Editor

The Summer 2020 issue of Expedition was edited and designed entirely in our homes. Thanks to Remy, Alyssa, Alex, Page, […]

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Vol. 62 / No. 3

By: Jane Hickman

From the Editor

We are fortunate to have many public gardens in the Philadelphia region that are wonderful places to visit in all […]

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Vol. 64 / No. 2

By: Jane Hickman

The Harriet Tubman Museum in Cape May, New Jersey

Under dangerous circumstances, with “slave catchers” close behind, the men and women of the Underground Railroad risked death to lead […]

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