Vol. 43 / No. 3

By: Ann Blair Brownlee and Jean MacIntosh Turfa

Etruscan Sandals: Fancy Footwear from the Sixth Century BC: What in the World

In October of 2002, three new galleries will join “The Ancient Greek World” to form a suite devoted to the […]

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Vol. 53 / No. 1

By: Jean MacIntosh Turfa

Telmu and Petrui: A Rediscovered Romance?: What in the World?

Some rare evidence for social change in ancient Etruria reposes in the Penn Museum’s Mediterranean Section, in two large ovoid […]

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Vol. 54 / No. 2

By: Jean MacIntosh Turfa

Buried in the Height of Fashion: Research Notes

“Lock of hair from the skull of the skeleton” was penned in a bold 19th century hand across the lid […]

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Vol. 61 / No. 1

By: Jean Macintosh Turfa

A Comet Shall Shine Forth: A Bronze Belt From an Etruscan Tomb

A depiction of a comet may have been discovered on an artifact in the Museum’s Etruscan collection. This rare narrative […]

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Vol. 63 / No. 1

By: Jean Macintosh Turfa

Fragments of Carthage Rediscovered: Discoveries From Our Museum Storerooms

Fragments of Carthage Rediscovered Discoveries From Our Museum Storerooms [authors] The objects in the Penn Museum store rooms—many collected more […]

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