Vol. 1 / No. 4

By: Kenneth D. Matthews, Jr.

Portrait of a Hero

Between 1931 and 1933 workmen under the direction of Jotham Johnson labored for the University Museum at a Roman site […]

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Vol. 2 / No. 3

By: Kenneth D. Matthews, Jr.

The Embattled Driver in Ancient Rome

As a driver do you become annoyed with present-day traffic conditions? Most probably you do and the same may be […]

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Vol. 5 / No. 1

By: Kenneth D. Matthews, Jr.

A Greek Fragment of the St. Matthew Gospel

On January 11, 1897 the Messrs. Bernard P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt set a contingent of seventy men and boys […]

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Vol. 5 / No. 4

By: Kenneth D. Matthews, Jr.

Saffron and Swan’s Grease

Beauty may well be in the eye of the beholder but for thousands of years many persons have felt it […]

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Vol. 8 / No. 2

By: Kenneth D. Matthews, Jr.

Domitian: The Lost Divinity

Titus Flavius Domitianus–a handsome man, graceful of carriage, rather tall in stature, quick witted and intelligent though not well educated […]

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