Vol. 56 / No. 1

By: Kevin M. Cahail

Their Memory Lives On: Domestic Funerary Commemoration at Wah-sut

To the ancient Egyptian mind, the worlds of the living and the dead were inextricably intertwined. The speech of one […]

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Vol. 56 / No. 1

By: Kevin M. Cahail

Taking It With You: The South Abydos Tomb Census

As part of the ongoing excavations in the Middle Kingdom town of Wah-sut, a pressing question has arisen: where were […]

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Vol. 56 / No. 1

By: Josef Wegner and Kevin M. Cahail

Ancient Reuse: The Discovery of a Royal Sarcophagus Chamber

During June 2013, excavations were underway near the base of the Mountain-of-Anubis. The search was on for private cemeteries belonging […]

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